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I can tell you that Arthur's information is not useless and it is foolish on your part to disregard his post as you did. I feel you owe him an apology as well. He has brought a fresh perspective to this forum that was missing until his arrival.. a hands on, detailed, larger scale perspective full of valuable information. He has asked many intelligent questions and followed the advice given. I feel Arthur is one of the forums 'premiere' members if there is such a thing here. He has openly shared what he has learned along with his yield data with the forum and has given back more than he has taken in my opinion.

People in glass houses should not throw stones. Your comment about him trying to up his post count was uncalled for and down right rude when he was attempting to genuinely help you.

I have to agree with Lasersteve and butcher, an apology is due to arthur, until this is in place then I for one will not reply to any questions posted by johnny williams.
martyn111 said:
I have to agree with Lasersteve and butcher, an apology is due to arthur, until this is in place then I for one will not reply to any questions posted by johnny williams.

I agree.
I didnt know we were playing dungeon and dragons.I'm an industrial analysical chemist by degree. Research is my game. Degree 1982. I hope you dont think this forum is the only game in town, it not . The environmentalist dont want people using things that would screwup the environment. I agree with them. I dont recall mention anyone by name,tho they have called me names , I dont need an apology. Extractions involving chemicals that are very dangerous, to say the lease, high levels of metals in their blood stream? True, this is one of the better forum. Oh to my problem,second sol , droped the volume,extracted with HCL+ bleach. There is very little I can't learn on my own. True ,I may have to invent the wheel,so what. To those of you that tried to help ...Thanks .To those who are using me to increase there post...................................................I'm reminded of something the Mood Blues said " it ral them for you to preceve the winds they move" Oh if I misspelled anything please dont hold it aganist me.
Johnny Williams said:
I didnt know we were playing dungeon and dragons.I'm an industrial analysical chemist by degree. Research is my game. Degree 1982. I hope you dont think this forum is the only game in town, it not . The environmentalist dont want people using things that would screwup the environment. I agree with them. I dont recall mention anyone by name,tho they have called me names , I dont need an apology. Extractions involving chemicals that are very dangerous, to say the lease, high levels of metals in their blood stream? True, this is one of the better forum. Oh to my problem,second sol , droped the volume,extracted with HCL+ bleach. There is very little I can't learn on my own. True ,I may have to invent the wheel,so what. To those of you that tried to help ...Thanks .To those who are using me to increase there post...................................................I'm reminded of something the Mood Blues said " it ral them for you to preceve the winds they move" Oh if I misspelled anything please dont hold it aganist me.

Sorry, we didn't know you had a degree. That changes everything.

I need to up my post count, Johnny, so I will say this, you came here as a guest in this house, many here have an friendship with other members, you have been rude here in this house, and are continueing to be rude, how long do you expect those who live here to help you and welcome you with that kind of attitude?, if you think you can figure out everything that these members are willing to help you with as a guest in their home I suggest you look at your manners.

we do not know each other, and we can be friends and help each other or we can just have wasted our time talking your choice.

there one more post for me.

I would much rather be making this post to help you in your quest to learn as a friend and another members all of us getting along in this house.

I can care less about how many post anyone has including me.
If there are so many other great forums, why do these kind of people keep showing up here?
Maybe he's talking about the great instructions on the shor site.
Remember Nobody HAS to help you.
That's one more post for me! :)
johnny, you came HERE looking for help. you could be a little more humble when asking for a free handout. humility never hurt anyone and im just letting you know that your haughty attitude and entitlement attitude is not gaining you any friends. when you dismiss a member out of hand that has already put in his time here you are just asking for other members to come to their defense. please reconsider your decision not to extend an apology when one is so easily given. believe me when i say the only person causing you problems here is you.
Claudie said:
Do we get a prize or something for the most posts? :roll:

Not that I know of, but if we do I'm one post closer to claiming that prize :lol:

You'd have thought that if you the had the brains for a degree you would have used that brain power to learn to spell!
Enough said,I'm finished with this clown.
martyn111 said:
Claudie said:
Do we get a prize or something for the most posts? :roll:

Not that I know of, but if we do I'm one post closer to claiming that prize :lol:

You'd have thought that if you the had the brains for a degree you would have used that brain power to learn to spell!
Enough said,I'm finished with this clown.

Now that was funny.
Johnny Williams said:
I didnt know we were playing dungeon and dragons.I'm an industrial analysical chemist by degree. Research is my game. Degree 1982. I hope you dont think this forum is the only game in town, it not .
I'm seeing more than enough attitude here. That's going to come to an immdiate end. Do we understand one another?

True, this is one of the better forum.
You're too kind!

Let me be more specific.

This forum isn't "one of the better forum"---it's the ONLY forum of worth for those who hope to learn the process of refining precious metals.

You, sir, are a guest in the house of our leader, Noxx. I fully expect you're going to start displaying a little humility, and behave like the educated person you claim to be, not the moron that you appear to be.

Let me say it like this-----I was a miserable student---slept through the majority of my high school classes---got no formal education beyond high school aside from a couple quarters of math and chemistry. In spite of my lack of education, I am still able to put a few words together, so they (almost) make sense----and I use spell check because I hope to have others view me as at least modestly well educated, in spite of my lack of formal education.

You, by sharp contrast, tout your education, yet your posts betray you. You use poor English, you can't spell worth a damn, you use poor punctuation, and you're too damned lazy to use spell check. You may be educated, but right now you're looking like an educated fool.

Straighten up and offer the apology you owe. Start behaving like the adult you claim to be. If you do not, your stay here will be very brief. Trust me. I do not suffer fools gladly.

Harold_V said:
Johnny Williams said:
I didnt know we were playing dungeon and dragons.I'm an industrial analysical chemist by degree. Research is my game. Degree 1982. I hope you dont think this forum is the only game in town, it not .
I'm seeing more than enough attitude here. That's going to come to an immdiate end. Do we understand one another?

True, this is one of the better forum.
You're too kind!

Let me be more specific.

This forum isn't "one of the better forum"---it's the ONLY forum of worth for those who hope to learn the process of refining precious metals.

You, sir, are a guest in the house of our leader, Noxx. I fully expect you're going to start displaying a little humility, and behave like the educated person you claim to be, not the moron that you appear to be.

Let me say it like this-----I was a miserable student---slept through the majority of my high school classes---got no formal education beyond high school aside from a couple quarters of math and chemistry. In spite of my lack of education, I am still able to put a few words together, so they (almost) make sense----and I use spell check because I hope to have others view me as at least modestly well educated, in spite of my lack of formal education.

You, by sharp contrast, tout your education, yet your posts betray you. You use poor English, you can't spell worth a damn, you use poor punctuation, and you're too damned lazy to use spell check. You may be educated, but right now you're looking like an educated fool.

Straighten up and offer the apology you owe. Start behaving like the adult you claim to be. If you do not, your stay here will be very brief. Trust me. I do not suffer fools gladly.


(Sounds of applause) That's the Harold that we all know and love! And Respect too!
Everyone makes mistakes, not everyone will admit it. When someone realizes their mistake and tries to make it right by apologizing, I think that deserves a certain amount of respect.

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