When melting karat scrap I have found an excellent flux to use is this fluxThe flux we use is borax.
This flux will thin out the flux so it does not hold up beads. When a lot comes in for refining it should be melted with this type of flux to assure all of the values are in one place and not mixed in the slag. During this melt the Pin dip sample is taken before pouring the bar, then the bar is cleaned up for a weight and the sample is assayed. Some refiners have trouble with samples disappearing so they institute a policy of taking the pin sample and, while the lot is still in the furnace, quenching the sample to break the hot glass and cutting a piece about 2.5 cm long to serve as sample and reserve sample and the remainder of the pin goes back into the melt before it is poured. This assures enough sample is taken for assay and the balance of the value is in one place..... the bar!Standard Karat Thinning flux. Used to prevent beads in slag. Used on karat gold so as not to hang up beads in the slag.
1 part Anhydrous borax
1 part soda ash
1/8 part fluorspar
When you put together a refining lot, all of the bars in the lot are melted together and poured into water to make cornflake shot which digests easier. Usually this can be accomplished without flux. Occasionally a small amount of karat remains in the crucible. This can, when the crucible cools, be removed and put in with the material to digest.