Chlorine fumes = bad!

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Well-known member
Oct 7, 2009
an hour ego i decided to check my acid-clorox solution...
i don't really know whay... but by smelling it... i tought no more chlorine is beenig produced...

well guy... in that secund, i felt like... a full size swimming pool just enterd trow my nose and came out of my a**

few minuts later... at the clinic near by with Ventolin Inhalation for 20 min...
my mothe and nose cavetis literly burning....

anyway... the doctor sais that eveything will be ok.... does anybody know the affect of that in the long run?
Damn, dude, that's not a good thing.

I'm anything but a chemist, but if memory serves, chlorine lacks one electron, and it's willing to collect it from any source. In this case, it was your respiratory system.

Not a doctor, either, but I imagine that you'll heal with time. You likely did some damage to your lungs.

What did the vet say? Was his outlook positive?

In a recent thread, there were comments concerning the Miller chlorine process (for refining gold). I said the problem with the process was just that----the chlorine. You've just witnessed what I was talking about.

Get well!

Stop sniffing chlorine.

Girl's bicycle seats would be much healthier for you. :lol:

A guy where I once worked had a habit of identifying the contents of drums by sniffing the bung hole. One day, he stuck his nose in a drum of 70% HF. It almost killed him.

It did cure him of that habit.

the vet really was positive about that, and said that the fact that i came by my self to the clinic proof that i didn't hurt to badly.

she said that ther is no long term damege but i don't believe that...

any how... few hours later, i'm all good and back to smoke my old cancer sticks...
samuel-a said:

the vet really was positive about that, and said that the fact that i came by my self to the clinic proof that i didn't hurt to badly.

she said that ther is no long term damege but i don't believe that...

any how... few hours later, i'm all good and back to smoke my old cancer sticks...

I once walked into a cloud of Cl2 during an industrial accident.

The biggest danger is pulmonary edema, fluid buildup in your lungs. If you don't get enough to send you to the hospital, I wouldn't worry too much.

I had the equivalent of a bad cold for a couple of weeks.

The cancer sticks WILL kill you.

I must admit, the sniff test is good for some things, but not Chemistry. :lol:

Welcome to our Confraternity!!!!!!!!!!...what does not kill strengthnes...please,try to use a mask when you work with Iodine and acids.

Now you have learned one of our most important premises stated by our Great Master,Mr. Chris Owen ,worldwide known as GSP:

--"Thanks to my expirience I know when to breath,when not to breath and when to run like hell "--

I am glad that you are in good health.


I'v had this happen a few times, with heavy doses a couple of times.

Blew on a pool clorinator to find the flow blew aginst the check valve and all of it came back to me and went deep in my lungs.

Poured clobber acid drain cleaner on top of clorox(customer had poured the clorox in and I didn't know it) in a tub drain. Couldn't get out of there fast enough. Luck had it the room had a window but had to brave the fumes to open it.

You have to resist that inital urge to breath in when this happens.

As posted earlier keep a check on the fluid build up in your lungs. Just cough a lot to keep it in check for a while, the fluid can build up before you know what has hit you. Other wise you will survive with little side effect. GLTY

Not sure if it will effect you sense of smell...
thanks for your answer Barren Realms 007 ....

it's important to know this situation.. spectially noob's like...
I read that the HCL-CL method we use for refining, was also used by the Nazi concentration camps to gas the prisoners. Chlorine tablets were dropped in buckets of HCL and the chlorine gas killed them. IT was also used in the war to poison the enemy. This was stopped when they realized the gas can be blow back onto the friendly troops by the wind.
They also issued urine soaked rags to use in case of a chlorine attack. They found that the ammonia in the rags would neutralize the chlorine effectively enough if they breathed through it to allow one to escape the area.
Oz said:
They also issued urine soaked rags to use in case of a chlorine attack. They found that the ammonia in the rags would neutralize the chlorine effectively enough if they breathed through it to allow one to escape the area.

That's just great. To keep from dying i have to piss on a rag and breath through it. :shock: :shock: :shock:

:twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

That's as bad as the exploding piss post :arrow:
I think the gas attacks were stopped in the field in WWI.

goldmelts said:
I read that the HCL-CL method we use for refining, was also used by the Nazi concentration camps to gas the prisoners. Chlorine tablets were dropped in buckets of HCL and the chlorine gas killed them. IT was also used in the war to poison the enemy. This was stopped when they realized the gas can be blow back onto the friendly troops by the wind.
Barren Realms 007 said:
I think the gas attacks were stopped in the field in WWI.

goldmelts said:
I read that the HCL-CL method we use for refining, was also used by the Nazi concentration camps to gas the prisoners. Chlorine tablets were dropped in buckets of HCL and the chlorine gas killed them. IT was also used in the war to poison the enemy. This was stopped when they realized the gas can be blow back onto the friendly troops by the wind.

I worked with an ex-waffen ss captain who told me they used Nerve Gas in Russia. He said it was deathly silent afterwords because it killed everything including birds and insects.

His favorite saying was: " Und zen ve get dem mit der 88's"

They paid a terrible price. Only a hand full of his Division ever made it home. They underestimated Russian resolve.
by Irons on Thu Oct 15, 2009 6:09 pm
Hey Irons am I correct that it was not supposed to be used? But I guess that is kind of like Saddam and the Curds with what was it mustard gas? Memory is failing time to reboot!!!!!

Barren Realms 007 wrote:
I think the gas attacks were stopped in the field in WWI.

goldmelts wrote:
I read that the HCL-CL method we use for refining, was also used by the Nazi concentration camps to gas the prisoners. Chlorine tablets were dropped in buckets of HCL and the chlorine gas killed them. IT was also used in the war to poison the enemy. This was stopped when they realized the gas can be blow back onto the friendly troops by the wind.

I worked with an ex-waffen ss captain who told me they used Nerve Gas in Russia. He said it was deathly silent afterwords because it killed everything including birds and insects.

His favorite saying was: " Und zen ve get dem mit der 88's"

They paid a terrible price. Only a hand full of his Division ever made it home. They underestimated Russian resolve.
goldmelts said:
I read that the HCL-CL method we use for refining, was also used by the Nazi concentration camps to gas the prisoners. Chlorine tablets were dropped in buckets of HCL and the chlorine gas killed them.

it was Zyklon B (hydrocyanic acid)
I made the mistake of running a batch once without gloves on. I got no liquid on myself, but the fumes fudged up my skin for a long time, I did not think I needed them since I was outside with a good breeze. go figure.

Irons said:
Barren Realms 007 said:
I think the gas attacks were stopped in the field in WWI.

goldmelts said:
I read that the HCL-CL method we use for refining, was also used by the Nazi concentration camps to gas the prisoners. Chlorine tablets were dropped in buckets of HCL and the chlorine gas killed them. IT was also used in the war to poison the enemy. This was stopped when they realized the gas can be blow back onto the friendly troops by the wind.

I worked with an ex-waffen ss captain who told me they used Nerve Gas in Russia. He said it was deathly silent afterwords because it killed everything including birds and insects.

His favorite saying was: " Und zen ve get dem mit der 88's"

They paid a terrible price. Only a hand full of his Division ever made it home. They underestimated Russian resolve.

Irons when and wher did you gut the cance to work with an ex-waffen ss captain ? pretty rare i supose...

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