clean gold....

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Well-known member
Dec 7, 2015
well again , after all , i used AR solution and precipitate gold with SMB , then i melted with borax.... i end up with small gold bull but it was mixed with black dirt , so how can i clean this tiny black dirt from gold ?


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Time to put the chemicals away and do a lot of reading and studying if you don't even know how to wash your gold powder yet. Until you understand the processes involved you'll never succeed. Take more time to study before asking questions that are easily found here on this wonderful source of knowledge. You can succeed but you have to put in the time first. You wouldn't take off in an airplane if you didn't know how to land!!!! I would hope!!!
actually "maynman1751" i did some success and this gold you see is 24 karat tested by jeweler but i have trouble to take out the black borax from it, i guess it wont hurt you if you tell me how to wash it.................!!!!
im going out on a limb here... I am wondering if he meant that this was the borax slag that was attached to the gold button?

if that's the case, the way I remove slag that is attached to the bottom of my buttons is I just reheat it a bit and quench it is water... repeat as necessary.

The other thing is that if your borax slag is that dark, it generally means you have too many impurities in the melt... look up "Harolds washing procedures"... this will go a VERY long way in helping clean up your gold powder.
Malikjob07, it's unclear how this was processed. Or what's in it.

Looking at your... I wanted to say 'button'... I have several possible answers but I'm afraid none of them are particularly kind. (If you're curious, my favourites involved a rabbit, an espresso machine, or a small dog and a plastic bag.)

From reading your previous posts, I would not be at all surprised to learn that you dissolved a bunch of mixed metals directly into AR, dropped it with SMB, and melted whatever you found on the bottom. I'm not saying that's what you did, but your "24 karat pure Brown" looks consistent with it. Or you could just have a really dirty borax glass layer. But if there's that much goo in it, your gold can't be clean either.

The kindest thing I could say is to keep reading, before you even try to re-refine this. Because you're floundering. You need to know what you expect before you start a process. You need to know what the intermediate steps should look like, so you can either recognise them when you get to them, or think "Wait, this doesn't look right. I should stop before I make it worse." You need to know what colour gold powder should be.
malikjob07 said:
actually "maynman1751" i did some success and this gold you see is 24 karat tested by jeweler but i have trouble to take out the black borax from it, i guess it wont heart you if you tell me how to wash it.................!!!!

I wouldn't entertain the thought of wasting my time or yours instructing you on one of the basic of processes of refining gold. You apparently do not have the knowledge or skills yet to achieve a quality product. This may sound harsh but you have now been told by other members that you need to continue to study in order to become successful. You MUST know at least the basics in order to proceed from here. We all have payed our dues to get where we are in this field. This forum is undoubtedly the finest, most complete and comprehensive source of knowledge and direction anywhere and it's all free!!!! Take your time to take advantage of this wonderful opportunity that has been put together by some of the finest refiners who have given their time and years of experience to us for nothing but our desire to put in the work to learn from the best. That being said, it's all up to you whether you want to put in the work and succeed or let this opportunity pass you by.
thanks to "meriem_201" :lol: i melt the dirt with copper and flatten it then i put nitric acid, a black powder form up , then i melted it and get shiny tiny piece of 24 karat yellow gold ....thanks a lot ..... :twisted: no need to read :p just practice :twisted: .......
malikjob07 said:
thanks to "meriem_201" :lol: i melt the dirt with copper and flatten it then i put nitric acid, a black powder form up , then i melted it and get shiny tiny piece of 24 karat yellow gold ....thanks a lot ..... :twisted: no need to read :p just practice :twisted: .......

I wish you well with your endeavours and hope you don't need help in the future because a comment such as that will ensure very few responses from participating members.
It's just tease and joke 8) , people who have sense of humor can tell "no offence" :| .....don't be so serious life is short......... :mrgreen:
Well I'm pleased you clarified that as it didn't come across that way perhaps it's just me who misunderstood, no,surprise there, please do read and study it will help your efforts in ways you can't even comprehend yet, your on the forum use it as it should be used, as a font of knowledge that's free to read, get stuck on a point or process ask and someone will try to help.
well Mr. " jason_recliner " i know humour what it is , but poking bears you're the master , so tell me about it......... 8)
I have not followed or looked up your other posts, I am just going by what I see here.

Members have said things you do not like, although from where I sit they look like constructive criticism, I know this type of medicine can be hard to take, and you may not understand it, but if you can take it like a man you may find it very helpful (as it was intended).

To get good at something I need to know, what I am doing wrong and learn how to get it right, so someone pointing out that I have it wrong is helpful for me (as painful as it may seem at the time).

Your play with words here with your fellow members is not helping you, or the forum, in fact I find it counterproductive, and at the point of being offensive, not funny at all, you are not only offending those that would be more than willing to help you, but you are also going against what this forum is about, members learning and helping other members.

Enough of those childish games, learn and help others, or we can help you find somewhere else to play those foolish games, we will not allow them here.
malikjob07 said:
It's just tease and joke 8) , people who have sense of humor can tell "no offence" :| .....don't be so serious life is short......... :mrgreen:
thanks to "meriem_201" :lol: i melt the dirt with copper and flatten it then i put nitric acid, a black powder form up , then i melted it and get shiny tiny piece of 24 karat yellow gold ....thanks a lot ..... :twisted: no need to read :p just practice :twisted: .......

Yap, life's short, no time for people, who can learn it all by "practice". What you have is a piece of scrap not "24k" and when your jeweler tested it to be 24k, then he has learned it all "by practice", too, I assume. My first "button"(ceramic CPUs/straightAR/dirty precipitation/straight melt), before I came to the forum and learned how things are done, looked like yours. After refining it weight about 25% less. Pure gold comes out shiny with a pipe (even from a dirty melting dish) and a somewhat crystal polygone shape. The borax is not getting discoloured or maybe it is a little purple from gold - if it is pure gold.

You should be alarmed - when the most patient moderator, butcher, is finding that clear words in the post above - you are far beyond the red line.

no i didn't, how to wash it ?
no time for spoon feeding, read Hoke, use the search function, read....then come back and ask intelligent questions

I got aware of your ignorance before:
"The wrong turn..."

If I were mod, you would have had your second chance and you were banned by now. You are not willing to learn and you adopt the wrong tone. But one thing for sure, for you I will not spend anymore time than this unless you change your attitude by 180° right now and show it in your very next post.
Please "solar_plasma" don't bother yourself and answering my posts next time, cuz i don't wanna viperous advices ,especially from you......
butcher i 'll take your advice with appreciation.........
peace........... 8)

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