Cleaning dental Scrap

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Well-known member
Apr 19, 2007
Titusville, Pa
I have several pieces of dental scrap that I would like to clean of all the porcelain and cement. The scrap is stainless steel in color but the guy I got it from claims it is gold. I would like to determine it's metallic weight before dissolving it. Any suggestions on what to use without attacking the metals would be appreciated.

To my knowledge, there are NO white gold alloys used in dentistry. You can find platinum alloys, but they aren't blue/white and are not brittle. The stainless alloys used are very brittle and snap if you try to bend them. If they do not break, but bend instead, you may have something of value.

Break (or cut) a small sample from your piece(s) and dissolve in AR. You will get a dark green solution if it is valueless. If it has value, the solution will be anywhere from orange to dark brown.

Be certain to test the solution with stannous chloride, regardless of the resulting color. It will help put your mind at ease.


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