dissolved my gold in AP why

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Well-known member
Nov 30, 2011
hi guys i start with i did my first batch and everything was great but then i started looking at my gold foils i could still see copper on the so i tried to remove the copper by another dip in ap a new fresh solotion but it dissolved my gold, all of it gone' and the soltion is now a light green colour witch tells me there was quit abit of copper in that will i be able to drop it out of ap with smb/or urae and i am unable to find a place to buy smb as i dont now what it stand for please can someone help as i have about 5 gram of gold a first weight before i put it in another ap thanks guys.
if it was me...
depending on what you want to do,drop it with smb and you will have relatively clean gold...
or you can stick a LITTLE piece of copper in it leave it on the side, swirl it 2-3 time a day until it show negative with stannous,then redisolve the copper with ap...
but personaly i would just get my gold with smb and refine it in the same beaker with hcl-cl...
ericrm said:
if it was me...
depending on what you want to do,drop it with smb and you will have relatively clean gold...
or you can stick a LITTLE piece of copper in it leave it on the side, swirl it 2-3 time a day until it show negative with stannous,then redisolve the copper with ap...
but personaly i would just get my gold with smb and refine it in the same beaker with hcl-cl...
so if i drop it with smb will that drop the copper as well as the gold because the solution is very green i would like to know how to a separation of the copper and gold with a lose of as Little gold as possible.and thanks for the help.
barnes8888 said:
ericrm said:
if it was me...
depending on what you want to do,drop it with smb and you will have relatively clean gold...
or you can stick a LITTLE piece of copper in it leave it on the side, swirl it 2-3 time a day until it show negative with stannous,then redisolve the copper with ap...
but personaly i would just get my gold with smb and refine it in the same beaker with hcl-cl...
so if i drop it with smb will that drop the copper as well as the gold because the solution is very green i would like to know how to a separation of the copper and gold with a lose of as Little gold as possible.and thanks for the help.
and i have found smb on ebay just to let let you know
ericrm said:
if it was me...
depending on what you want to do,drop it with smb and you will have relatively clean gold...
or you can stick a LITTLE piece of copper in it leave it on the side, swirl it 2-3 time a day until it show negative with stannous,then redisolve the copper with ap...
but personaly i would just get my gold with smb and refine it in the same beaker with hcl-cl...
and also what would a little pice of copper do' will just ad more copper into the solution or will i split the gold from the copper in the ap thanks again.
The copper will displace any gold in solution and drop it out albeit not as pure as SMB will drop it out. You have not mentioned stannous chloride testing. Did you test the solution and is it bearing?

You need to get up to speed with the basics of refining, I sense some reading is in your future.
4metals said:
The copper will displace any gold in solution and drop it out albeit not as pure as SMB will drop it out. You have not mentioned stannous chloride testing. Did you test the solution and is it bearing?

You need to get up to speed with the basics of refining, I sense some reading is in your future.
hi thanks for clearing this up for me a pice of copper will force the gold out and leave the copper in the ap and no i didnt do a test as i know there is gold in this ap as it was my gold foils that got dissolved i am disstelik and find it very hard to spell but remember very thing i hear very good.
when i wighed the gold foils it can to 5 gram so alot of that was copper. i got blinded by the fumes then i added the peroxide so i think i added to much.
so adding a pice of copper will fore the gold to drop thank i owe you one

i was useing safety gogles but my fan force all the fumes into m eyes when i added the peroxide.
barnes8888 said:
4metals said:
The copper will displace any gold in solution and drop it out albeit not as pure as SMB will drop it out. You have not mentioned stannous chloride testing. Did you test the solution and is it bearing?

You need to get up to speed with the basics of refining, I sense some reading is in your future.
hi thanks for clearing this up for me a pice of copper will force the gold out and leave the copper in the ap and no i didnt do a test as i know there is gold in this ap as it was my gold foils that got dissolved i am disstelik and find it very hard to spell but remember very thing i hear very good.
when i wighed the gold foils it can to 5 gram so alot of that was copper. i got blinded by the fumes then i added the peroxide so i think i added to much.
so adding a pice of copper will fore the gold to drop thank i owe you one

i was useing safety gogles but my fan force all the fumes into m eyes when i added the peroxide.

Sounds like you should work on safety. Are you doing this outside? And you need stannous for testing, you can't just know, or guess if you have gold or where it is.

Too much Hydrogen Peroxide in the mix will cause it to dissolve the Gold. You just need to add a small amount of H2O2 at the beginning stage to "jump start" the reaction. I think you should take 4metals advice and drop it with Copper, then read, read, read.... :|

EDIT: Please follow every safety precaution. Work outside if you don't have a good fume hood, wear gloves, and never hoover over any solution where the fumes can get into your face.
Claudie said:
Too much Hydrogen Peroxide in the mix will cause it to dissolve the Gold. You just need to add a small amount of H2O2 at the beginning stage to "jump start" the reaction. I think you should take 4metals advice and drop it with Copper, then read, read, read.... :|

EDIT: Please follow every safety precaution. Work outside if you don't have a good fume hood, wear gloves, and never hoover over any solution where the fumes can get into your face.
hi i am going to do the copper drop and i have being learning scince july when i strated on this room and i have learnd alot i have a program the reads out what is on the page to me. i am a very safe person just i had my shed door open and the fan on low i will not do that again. i did this yesterday and my eyes have not stoped watering i went to see a doctor and he said if things get worse see him again but scince i got home my eyes fell fine. and i am still learning as i need to do it my self and see the mestaks arise and then i know what i am doing wrong or wright. i thnk everyone as in the book i did not see anything about desolving my gold in the ap and what should i do about it so thanks every one your all great i will put some pics up some but my camra is not very good.
Ericrm wrote " but personaly i would just get my gold with smb and refine it in the same beaker with hcl-cl...
This posesc a question

If your ty gold goes into solution, whatever the solution may.be
And you drop it with smb
Then only refined gold should drop so why would you have to
Put it through acid/bleach
and the same bracket to recover &refine that is not normal procedure is it? Although it has crossed My mind
Thanks steyr223
Hi chief , how are tricks today?
I hope your well!

steyr223 said:
Ericrm wrote " but personaly i would just get my gold with smb and refine it in the same beaker with hcl-cl...
This posesc a question

If your ty gold goes into solution, whatever the solution may.be
And you drop it with smb
Then only refined gold should drop so why would you have to
Put it through acid/bleach
and the same bracket to recover &refine that is not normal procedure is it? Although it has crossed My mind
Thanks steyr223

The main issue that I see is that the gold would be dropped from a *dirty solution*.
Aswell as the dropped gold powder having base metal salts ( in this case , copper chloride ) contaminants , and unless all of the foils were fully disolved and the solution filtered before precipitation , there is also the chance for the introduction of other contaminants to the precipitate in the form of mechanical *drag down*.
As Eric said , he could potentialy get some relatively clean gold ( with lots of Hcl washes after precipitation ) , but it is worth remembering that the AP process is a recovery stage , not a refining stage.
I'm a noob , but that's how I see it , hopefully one of the pro's will chime in and shoot me down if I'm wrong , giggles :roll:
All the best for now chief , and kind regards ,
very well said ap is a RECOVERY process.if you only intend to recover and sold, it dosnt realy matter if it is 13k or .9995% the guy who buy it wont make that much a difference in the price (he pay only for the gold inside)

if you intend to make button yourself you will want to make them as pur your can because they are more beautifull and more gratifing that way. also maybe you are triyng to refine and not recover, in that case you absolutely want to have it remove of a much impurity you can (and you will double refine it)
i am a very safe person just i had my shed door open and the fan on low i will not do that again. i did this yesterday and my eyes have not stoped watering i went to see a doctor and he said if things get worse see him again but scince i got home my eyes fell fine.
open the windows ,tape the fan directly in the windows and put your table right aside ,also open an other windows to have the wind from your back to the exit window. it will help a lot .if you cant do that...stop refinning for now(until you manage an other setup) ,the hcl,so,no,cl is acumulating in your shed and you will endup with DEADLY CONCENTRATION.
steyr223 said:
Ericrm wrote " but personaly i would just get my gold with smb and refine it in the same beaker with hcl-cl...
This posesc a question

If your ty gold goes into solution, whatever the solution may.be
And you drop it with smb
Then only refined gold should drop so why would you have to
Put it through acid/bleach
and the same bracket to recover &refine that is not normal procedure is it? Although it has crossed My mind
Thanks steyr223
ye but if i drop it with smb that will drop the copper as well will it not i have put a piece of copper in this morning around 6 am its now 15:30 and i can already see a substance at the bottom of my bucket it seems to be working il leave it a few days and see what happens i hope i get my gold back i was gutted when it dissperd in ap thanks guys.
Hi Barnes , how are tricks?
I hope your well!

barnes8888 said:
ye but if i drop it with smb that will drop the copper as well will it not i have put a piece of copper in this morning around 6 am its now 15:30 and i can already see a substance at the bottom of my bucket it seems to be working il leave it a few days and see what happens i hope i get my gold back i was gutted when it dissperd in ap thanks guys.

From LaserSteve in a different thread ( http://goldrefiningforum.com/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=39&t=6188#p54125 ) ;

" If the solution contains copper II chloride and you add SMB, you will get an off white to gray colored precipitate of copper I chloride along with your gold.

This contamination dissolves easily with warm HCl.

Steve "

Either way you're on the right track by dropping with copper ,
Hope this helps!
All the best with it and kind regards ,
Chris :mrgreen:
thanks guy dose anyone now how long i should leave the piece of copper in the solution before the gold is fully dropped and thanks everyone .
as long at it should :lol:
testing why stannous for the presence of gold will let you know when there is no more gold in solution
but beware you could have colloidal gold in it so let it sit for a while...

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