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lazersteve said:
PGM ammonium chloride colored powders are not soluble in straight alcohol so they may not test properly if some water is not present.

I see no other reason why water is needed. As long as your PGMs are dissolved in an aqueous solution already or you dissolve the test sample of colored powder in water before testing, I guess DMG in straight alcohol may be a better idea.


It's much quicker to make and the test works very well.

I will try it tomorrow using anhydrous Isopropanol.
qst42know said:
DMG functions the same for testing in straight alcohol?

If that's the case why struggle with water?

Is there a time when one might prefer one over the other?
I would recommend dissolution in alcohol, with the addition of water. That way the solution won't be inclined to evaporate quickly. While I never tried the alcohol trick, I would think that a bare minimum, just enough to dissolve the prescribed amount, then the solution taken up with distilled water to the desired level of concentration.

More expensive isn't always better. Anhydrous Isopropanol is available as Iso-HEET gas line anti-freeze in the red bottle. It's about twice as expensive as the Anhydrous Methanol based HEET and doesn't work as well.
The first thing I noticed was that the DMG didn't dissolve as quickly or completely.
When added to the dilute Nickel solution, it immediately formed a milky suspension.
Adding the Ammonia gave a positive reaction but the color wasn't as intense and the solution remained milky.
My conclusion is that the anhydrous Methanol HEET (yellow bottle) is the solvent of choice. You can buy it almost anywhere in the US, although it may be a seasonal item in some stores. Wally World had a 4 pack on sale for $4.
Folks who reside elsewhere should be able to find an equivalent product. Check the ingredients on the label.
Dissolve it in ethanol; 1%-5% w/v works fine as a test for nickel and palladium. Using this reagent is about as simple as it gets--Irons gives good instruction :)
Lou said:
Dissolve it in ethanol; 1%-5% w/v works fine as a test for nickel and palladium. Using this reagent is about as simple as it gets--Irons gives good instruction :)
I guess I'll have to try denatured EtOH tomorrow and report back. :mrgreen:
Should work even better looking at the structure.

I'm astounded how cheap that DMG is... it's absurdly expensive from Aldrich!
I tried the denatured EtOH and it also gave a milky solution, but not as bad as the Isopropanol.

I'm sticking with anhydrous Methanol. For a buck, you can buy enough Anhydrous Methanol to make a lifetime supply of DMG solution.

Keep it in a well sealed glass bottle, in a cool, dark place and it should last a very long time.
I dissolve mine in 50% distilled water and 50% grain alcohol (190 proof) with mild warming. If you are worried about the alcohol interfering with some tests it is easy to remove. After you have dissolved the DMG in 50/50 H2O/ethanol, evaporate most of the alcohol off by reducing the volume 50%. It is a good idea to filter this before use whether you have removed the alcohol or not.
Finally got mine too after 4 weeks. Was beginning to get worried since most everybody got their's in about 2 weeks. Will mix a batch tomorrow and report back.
Irons said:
More expensive isn't always better. Anhydrous Isopropanol is available as Iso-HEET gas line anti-freeze in the red bottle. It's about twice as expensive as the Anhydrous Methanol based HEET and doesn't work as well.
The first thing I noticed was that the DMG didn't dissolve as quickly or completely.
When added to the dilute Nickel solution, it immediately formed a milky suspension.
Adding the Ammonia gave a positive reaction but the color wasn't as intense and the solution remained milky.
My conclusion is that the anhydrous Methanol HEET (yellow bottle) is the solvent of choice. You can buy it almost anywhere in the US, although it may be a seasonal item in some stores. Wally World had a 4 pack on sale for $4.
Folks who reside elsewhere should be able to find an equivalent product. Check the ingredients on the label.
Well, we don't seem to have HEET in South Florida. No Heet, but no snow either. That's ok with me.

STP has a product that removes moisture, but no idea of the ingredients. I tried isopropyl, but it would not stay in solution. It dissolved when hot, but precipitated at room temp. I tried it several times. I also tried testing it when it was hot, but could not get much of the rose color for nickel, just very faint. Does the amount of nitric or HCL in solution effect the test?

I will continue to look for HEET when I am in Central Florida.

HTPatch said:
Irons said:
More expensive isn't always better. Anhydrous Isopropanol is available as Iso-HEET gas line anti-freeze in the red bottle. It's about twice as expensive as the Anhydrous Methanol based HEET and doesn't work as well.
The first thing I noticed was that the DMG didn't dissolve as quickly or completely.
When added to the dilute Nickel solution, it immediately formed a milky suspension.
Adding the Ammonia gave a positive reaction but the color wasn't as intense and the solution remained milky.
My conclusion is that the anhydrous Methanol HEET (yellow bottle) is the solvent of choice. You can buy it almost anywhere in the US, although it may be a seasonal item in some stores. Wally World had a 4 pack on sale for $4.
Folks who reside elsewhere should be able to find an equivalent product. Check the ingredients on the label.
Well, we don't seem to have HEET in South Florida. No Heet, but no snow either. That's ok with me.

STP has a product that removes moisture, but no idea of the ingredients. I tried isopropyl, but it would not stay in solution. It dissolved when hot, but precipitated at room temp. I tried it several times. I also tried testing it when it was hot, but could not get much of the rose color for nickel, just very faint. Does the amount of nitric or HCL in solution effect the test?

I will continue to look for HEET when I am in Central Florida.


That is alcohol.
I have an extra 8.5g of DMG powder that I can give someone that may need it. First one to request it and give me a mailing address can have it. I also have extra Nitric Acid, but won't mail it. If you are local to Pembroke Pines, FL, you can pick up a 2L bottle.

I got a PM for two member and for some reason I am having problems sending PMs. I will try later, but I should be able to send some to both of you. It is difficult to dissolve. Use this thread to see how other members dissolve it.


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