Does anyone know how to use the uw-195 platinum stripper?

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Active member
Mar 18, 2016
Ive perchased this chemical uw-195 from uwin nanotech and it leaches pgms but they wont teach me how to recover pgms out. They told me it would cost me $10,000 to teach me. The uwin nano tec did give me the flow chart but wont tell me how to use it. Is anybody familure with this proccess?
You're in we are running a sale. While I can't straight up tell you, as I have no idea why anyone would buy a proprietary platinum stripper and don't know what's in it or who makes it, refining has its share of sledgehammers.

The answer to your question may be found on the forum. And when you find it, you might consider the $10K you just saved and donate something to the forum.

We cover it from Al to Zn here and most everything precious in between.
Did you sign any releases or non disclosure paperwork when you purchased the product? If not, you could post the MSDS sheets and any instructions they gave you to use it and we can try to figure out what it is.

As Lou said, if you give us enough information about the product you can likely save $10K.
Yes i agree with you %100 Lou, however, i have found myself persuing this field of work and hobby. It is what fasinates me and keeps my life interresting. Or i think it will be plane boring
And yeah if i could get the pieces to the puzzle of UW-195, i would definitely be more than happy to donate. I have been study for like 3yrs, no big pay out yet. I have been working very slow, learning proper ways to handle things and watching how things react. Been working in small incroments just to make sure i dont kill myself or no major hazourds spills. But yes i would be happy to donate if that was the case.
4metals i havent signed no disclosure documents but ill have to get back to you about the msds. I was told that the base chemical its made up of is Thiorea. I think thats spelled correct. But i dont know that for sure. Not yet. O i do have the flow chart. Dont know if that would do you any good without the msds. Ill have to get back to you for the msds
You can never peruse overmuch.

It's probably just thiourea and a proton donor or

Yeah i looked through the bill of sale and no chemical formula or no msds. So i emailed the rep to see if she would give it to me. Are they supose to suply the the msds if requested?
Yeah i figured it was,so i emailed her and told her i needed the msds. She will prob contact me tomorrow. I got her phone number also.
Yeah i told her that the msds was for epa and i didnt know how they will react. Probably not very good. Hopefully she will email the msds to me tomorrow
If she doesn't, just let her know that you'll be referring the EPA to her company for the information, so she should probably expect a site visit at their facility.

Some companies can get out of telling you what chemical they use is in their MSDS sheet, or giving away their secret recipes claiming Proprietary information of their product, the MSDS will sometimes then have clues but you may not find the true chemical involved.
So what do you guys think of the UW-195 MSDS? Think i could get some help learning how to drop the PMs out of the leaching?
Yeah cats mainly. I work at a tow company and i got a stedy suply of cc. And i got plenty of people buy them from if i can learn the proper amount to pay for them. To me its easier to learn how to refine than learning how to buy them at a profitable value to refine. But im not sure how to get the PGMs out of this uw-195. She gave me the flow chart to the stripper but she asked me not to share it.

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