Does anyone know how to use the uw-195 platinum stripper?

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Sorry but there is no gold in cats, the rising gold price killed off the idea and the company behind it.
I do remember reading that Kevin (kjavanb123) posted about gold in cats he was processing but those were from the Middle East and I do not know how old they were or how much gold he recovered overall, whether it was significant or a trace.

But today's cats have Pt, Pd, and Rh.
As I recall, it was someone else's gold that contaminated the furnace and made him think he had gold from a catcon.

Im not sure if this is a good idea, but could i donate this uw-195 to one of the well knowledged GRF member for father studies. It would be nice if i could get some kind of payment for it but to be honest i dont want to waste the potential of the chemical and have to nutrilize it a dump it because of my stupidity of buying something that i didnt understand in the first place.
I have plenty of this uw-195 and plan on keeping some for myself for a while to do father studies with it, to see if i can get the flow chart figured out and to work out for me. Oyeah i do have the flow chart to the chemical uw-195 but no instructions to use it. Anyways guys what should i do with it.
1. Nutrilize and dump with at least doubled amount of water
2.just pay a hazardous waste disposal company take it and i eat the bill.
3 like i said im willibg to donate the a well knowledged GRF member.
Well i thank you guys lookibg forward to you guidance.
Don't be too hasty in getting rid of an expensive reagent.
We have a thread running, further things that may be of interest to members , by Deano , which details building an activated carbon column, from my understanding this should leach all the metals from the solution and then leave the solution ready for more leaching of values, it may not be a simple off the shelf idea but may well work with what you have, maybe add to the thread with the question I'm sure Deano would know the answer to whether it would work or not.

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