I did the washer, but I couldn't put the vacuum pump on because of the lack of parts. Do you think it will be good?
I think you have misunderstood.
This setup have to have vacuum and thick walled bottles to handle the vacuum.
You use an ordinary 1-4 liter Borosilicate beaker, have a funnel upside down on this beaker.
From the bottom of this beaker you have a hose into a thick walled bottle/flask with a tight stopper/cap.
This cap has two holes that is gas tight around the tubing.
The tubing from the funnel goes to the bottom of this bottle and the other tubing is outside the liquid to lead the gas into the next bottle.
In this bottle you have a mix of water and Hydrogen peroxide to take up the NOx fumes and scrub the fumes.
You can also have some filler so the gas uses longer time to bubble to the surface.
This can be repeated until the gas is clean, but I guess one to two bottles is enough.
Then after this you can put in a bottle with dilute NaOH to neutralize the rest gases/fumes.
The important thing is to have a empty bottle in the end to collect what ever liquid drags over.
This can be dropped if you have the NaOH bottle and use an eductor for Vacuum.
As you see, you can actually recover some of the fumes as dilute Nitric or just plain scrub it for waste.
That is up to the user.