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Chemical Eco-goldex CYANIDE Leach

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I wish I could write a complete tutorial on this process, complete with warnings throughout, as Göran has suggested above, but I have never worked with cyanide, so I will have to wait until others do. What I have done is change the name of this thread to Eco-goldex CYANIDE Leach.

Locking this thread is not going to help anyone. The product is readily available to anyone who wants to try it. I can only encourage those with experience to share their knowledge on how to SAFELY use the process.

I will say again that anyone interested in this process should WAIT until this subject is more fully discussed on the forum.

I agree that I should not have tried to evaporate the solution but be assured that I did take precautions not to create a toxic environment. With all of this fuss on cyanide I have decided to just stop doing the process all together. Quicker and easier is Not always the best or safest way. Once I complete the rest of the process.
I will give this bit of advice.

I worked at a manufacturing facility for about 5 years where we produced zinc chloride and zinc bromide along with a few other things using HCl,HBR and god know what else because it has been too many years now. This was an outside facility. I was there at almost the startup of production at the facility. With the evaporation of HCl & HBR and the condensing of these back onto solid surfaces from floating around in the air that after the first year I took special care to wash my hands after I touched anything because of the chemical residue layer on everything. Even just walking around the facility and not touching anything I could feel the effects of the vapors as they settled on my skin.

What I'm trying to get across is that if you are doing work with ascids around your area you really should not consider even using the cyanide unless you REALLY know what you are doing. Even then I would suggest extreme caution in using it.

I already know of one guy that was put into the hospital because of using a cyanide leach. I really don't want to hear of someone being killed from using this process.

This process does not really scare me but I respect the hell out of it.

I had an Uncle that use to work at a production facility where they made cyanide and he use to talk about some of the things he use to run into with it.

So this is my advice. Everyone keep on treating it like it is a new toy and they can get by with using it and they are not going to make a mistake and some one is going to be the lab rat that gets killed.

You have people out there making f****d up videos on youtube about using this.

So who is going to be the lab rat that kills them self using it? And when that happens and it comes to a head what other restrictions will come down to keep the ordinary person from getting hold of it?
hi , seems like this process is not worth the time , money , or the health risk . I tried it but not worth my time or health . you guys made up my mind for safety , thank you , ed.
The one point to bear in mind is all the chemicals we use carry dangers and risks one of the main reasons most of us stress that reading and study are essential to protect ourselves and others from those problems.
The point with all cyanide processes is that they do not forgive certain mistakes and it is not the one chemical or process for all materials, with the right equipment and armed with full knowledge it is as safe as any other process or chemical, without that it is or can be lethal.
The decision to use it needs to be backed up with the ability to safeguard against the risks and with the knowledge to safely dispose of the wastes.
I've read about 3/4 of this thread, and meanwhile, some side research landed me at:-

Which I saw no mention of in what I've read of this thread.

Might be of interest, apologies if it's already been covered.
The main thing to take away from this thread is to stop experimenting and do more studying. It is a great example of what can happen when working with chemicals with out fully understanding what your using and how to use them. I would like to try this one day, but I just haven't had time to study on it enough. Maybe some of the less knowledgeable people playing it with won't cause it to stop being sold before then.
modtheworld44 said:
upcyclist said:
spaceships said:
Read up about it. It really isn't as scarey as you think.

That's what I was thinking--aren't ferrocyanides actually pretty stable? see also: Prussian Blue

Potassium ferrocyanide is used in food additives and wine making per their website.So everyone has probably already ate or drank some at some point in their life and did not even know it.


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i was surprised after reading this post. butt it is true.
I have a question, do you think this new lease teaching process is worthwhile? Is a cost-effective for a small time E recycler. Are there any clear instructions out there anywhere for this process?
Thank you
jeffdanyelle1234 said:
I have a question, do you think this new lease teaching process is worthwhile? Is a cost-effective for a small time E recycler. Are there any clear instructions out there anywhere for this process?
Thank you

This process is suitable only to well experienced person with well equipped lab. Clear instructions are all over this thread. If you are experienced you will understand them with no problem. If you never worked with cyanide then this process is not for you and you should choose some other technique available.
If you never worked with cyanide then this process is not for you and you should choose some other technique available.

If you can't understand this post, then this is not a process to be used at this time.

No, I still have not used this.
before I am using it . but not too fast as the video and hard to extact the gold from solution . So I using the new one for leaching .
this type of product usually using in Mainland China

at first: sorry for my crude english and the question: what a translation program do you suggest to me for the future?

i wrote to the EG-company (EG for Eco Goldex) and ask them what a kind of leach EG realy is because i am in doubts that it is an cyanide leach or better ONLY an cyanide leach but please read about my thoughts:

at their web site you can read

"n Eco-goldex solution, several components , though each individual component is not as strong as CN -, involve gold dissolving process and form soluble Au ions. The combined gold dissolving capacity of these individual components released from Eco-goldex is equivalent or even stronger than that of Cyanide"


"Eco-Goldex Gold Leaching Reagent represents three different types of products formed through different approaches. The Eco-Goldex reagent is made from a group of chemicals proportionally mixed and fused on stainless steel"

and they count following three sub types of leaches which are combined in EG:

"Thiosulfate Gold Leaching Reagent "

"Thiourea Gold Leaching Reagent"

and, at least (this you can't read at the site but at the msds and at their own forum and formula!) a ferrocyanide/cyanide reagent AND about the cyanide you can read:

"in the compound solutions, since CN- ions are chelated, not ionized status, it is less toxic"

yes, as an additive compound: "additive (EDTA)" is added.

the company combine the different types of leachings in these formulas:

Au+[Fe(CN6)]3- + O2--> [Au(CN)4]3- + Fe3+"

as you know i make some test with ferrocyanide leachings, not so successful and some with cyanide and they are, especially the last ones, sucessfull but even my high concentrate cyanide leachings with H2O2 and an elevated temperature are not as almost as fast as my test with my home made EG.

why home made? i wrote to EG, make some questions about the leaching mechanism and the terms of delivery and sale to the EU but they didn't answer and so i take the msds of EG.
as you can read it consists of:

NaOH 1310-73-2 5-10 (chemical CAS nr. wight in %)
CO(NH2)2 57-13-6 15-30
NaCO3 497-19-8 5-10
CaO 1305-78-8 20
K3Fe(CN)6.10H2O 13746-66-2 5-30
Na2SO4 7757-82-6 2-10
NaBr 7647-15-6 5-10

o.k. fine. i wight and mix my own EG out of the ingridients written on their site, disolve it in aqua dest, adjust pH and put a few pins, fingers and so on in it and, and: nothing happend because (and as you can also read at their forum):

"These chemicals are mixed with predefined proportion and melted in reactor under 650-850 oC, after cooled down, the material is grind and mixed with bromide to form the final leaching reagent. Different producers may change their chemical"

o.k. easily i do the same: melt the mixed chemicals in my muffle furnace, let it cool, crush it, dissolve it in aqua d. and with this sollution (heated to ~50°C) i repeat the test above, put a few pins and so on in it and, and: a very thin plated PS-4 connector pin was deplated in 9 seconds.
fingers need a bit longer longer but a far, far, far.....shorter time than the same pins need in my ferro leaching tests (and the EG home brew sollution was used WITHOUT daylight) and also a shorter time than the same pins need with my home brew cyanide.

that are my, shurly primitive and from the chemical background immature, thoughts about EG.
Not a ferro leach, not a cyanide leach, a chealted cyanide leach whith a thiosulfate and a thiourea leach as additive.

please delete my post if my thought are a complete bullsh...

thanks to all for your attention, have a nice day!

greetings, frank!

and thank you for reading!

yes, like they've described it i've added Br (potassiumBr instead sodiumBr, i have only KBr!) after the melting process!

strangely i've get nothing after zincing out the sollutions.
in both cases, with my cyanide and with my home brew EG too, i get no gold out of my sollution.

in both cases i've deplated ~100g of fully and (mostly) partially plated pins in ~200ml of leaching sollution.
after the leaching process i adjust pH (with EG i've used NH3!), destroy the H2O2 (if present by catalytic reaction), zinc out with fine 20µm Zn-powder and coarser Zn filings, let react for ~12hrs, filter and wash percipitate 3 times with water, add HCl under safe conditions and after the dissolution of the Zn a black sludge was the result, in both cases, i think: haha, better than imagined but after adding a few dropps of HNO3..........nothing happens, so i add more HCL and warm up the beakers but the sollution above the black sludge stay clear and colorless over the following night.
mhmm....i filter it denox it with sulfamic and try to drop the ? by PMB (the last second two steps i have performed sucsessfully with bonding wires so: no new process to me!) but in both cases: nothing and nothing again after 12hrs.

so my question is: from 100g partially plated pins is there maybe not enough gold to zinc it out and drop it or what do you think about my mistake?

and one time more yo see: not deplating is the real problem: drop the gold and then you can be proud of yourself.

best regards, frank!
Kurt tried it with aluminium foil and had a success. Perhaps you just need to use more feed stock as 100g of partially plated pins - there is just very little gold on them.

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