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EVO-AU said:

How did you happen on peroxy monopersulphate and in what capacity do you find its use ? Phill

Phill- I ran across monopersulfate in this patent which is a fairly straightforward halogen leach process. http://www.patentstorm.us/patents/5401296/description.html
I find it useful in driving up the ORP of most any leach process in a convenient and controllable fashion. Ozone, chlorine, nitric acid and other oxidizers will do the same thing but with their own sets of problems.

EVO-AU said:
Jeff: I read you. I'll have to play with the stuff. My orps usually run no higher than 550 to 600. Phill

With monopersulfate it's easy to drive the ORP too high. According to this patent that would be in excess of around 950mv I seem to recall. I read if the ORP goes too high it can actually passivate the gold particles with an oxide layer which inhibits further dissolution. In any case once you get to the desired ORP it takes very little additional monopersulfate to maintain it.

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