Exahust Catalyst recycling for PGE

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hi kjavanb123, if your talking about platinum group elements out of cars or trucks you probably could with a little tweaking OR a lot less work check out Lazersteves web site and buy his video on the subject. :D

Thanks for the tip, can't open the site though of Lazersteve. I will try it later. Yes I am looking to extract PGE from the catalyt part of cars. It's been done by the Japanese company of DOWA Recycling. I like to do it smaller-scale here.

kjavanb123 said:
Thanks for the tip, can't open the site though of Lazersteve. I will try it later.

I just tested it and all is fine. Can you be more specific as to what problem you are experiencing?

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Hi Steve,

Just oredered a copy of Fundamental of Pt and Palladium off ur site. Is this DVD for recoverying PGE from the auto catalyst? Do you talk about extracting Rhodium as well?

kjavanb123 said:
Is this DVD for recoverying PGE from the auto catalyst?

kjavanb123 said:
Do you talk about extracting Rhodium as well?

The rhodium is recovered as a residue in the video, the processing of the Rh is not covered due to space limits of the DVD.

you are going to love the DVD I have watched mine over and over .
Lazersteve how is your wrist heeling is it all better ?
shyknee said:
you are going to love the DVD I have watched mine over and over .
Lazersteve how is your wrist heeling is it all better ?

I had a slight infection develop on the incision, but it's getting better now. I'm still off of work, but having only a hand and a half makes the time off not as enjoyable as a real vacation.

Thanks for asking!

I'm glad you like the DVD>

Hi Steve,

I know a lot of brokers trade the auto catalyst in my area and ship them to a refining in Japan, so I assume from this, doing the refining in home would cut the all these costs in between. Any ideas, how much Pt or Palladium can be extracted from each auto catalyst? Sometimes i get curios is it worth?
kjavanb123 said:
Hi Steve,

I know a lot of brokers trade the auto catalyst in my area and ship them to a refining in Japan, so I assume from this, doing the refining in home would cut the all these costs in between. Any ideas, how much Pt or Palladium can be extracted from each auto catalyst? Sometimes i get curios is it worth?

It varies too much to give a hard number, but a cat in good shape, with all of the material intact has a ballpark average yield of 1-1.5 g per honey comb. I have been told this number can be as high as 7 grams per comb on some models of vehicles.

I wouldn't bet the farm on these numbers, since the process used to extract, the skill of the refiner, the cat itself, and lots of other factors play a part in the yields.

Steve's video on the platinum group arrived this morning, wow talk about easy to follow instructions that even I can follow, job well done Steve.

It's been said before and I'll say it again, anyone contemplating getting into cats should first preview this Platinum DVD, it gives you a total understanding of the process's involved. The DVD is well worth the money.

Best Regards
Gill AKA Gustavus
I cannot wait for your progress reports, on the catalytic's, glad you got the dvd, I tried our scrap yard they told me it was against the law for them to sell me catalytics, guess the recyclers around here have a lobby group, passing laws in their favor?
Against the law? I do hope you pursue this to find out just what law this is in Oregon.

Gut instinct tells me your local yard is just lying to make you go away, but at the same time there are indeed lobby groups with money that “buy” protection from politicians so as to avoid a level playing field.

If that happened here part of the reason I would wish to check it out would be that the next logical step would be to outlaw the possession and buying of catalytic's without government certification and approval.

Please let us know if you find further information.
Thanks Oz, I will check more into it, as I would like to work with catalytics, they do have a problem here with people stealing them off cars, so I could see selling them would come with scrutinany, but buying used cats from a junkyard being illegal did seem off the wall, but you know how goverments can come up with laws that make no sense.
Scrap yards have always been put in the position of trying to figure out if what was brought into their yard was stolen and subject to confiscation after they had paid for it.

So I understand completely that no yard wishes to buy stolen property, but that also implies that anything they are selling no matter it being in large or small quantities, that it was legally bought and is legal to posses at the least.

Beyond that if it was only legal to possess but not to sell, why would they buy? Your task is to find out why "you" are not qualified as a buyer or what legal statis is required of those they do sell to.
There is a law making sale of used converters illegal unless they are tested and certified.The fine is probably thousands of dollars.I am sure the people who enforce the law try to entrap the scrapyards.
So I can see them being leery of people looking to buy.And they probably already have a big buyer that buys all their converters.
You may do better at small garages and gas stations that do repairs.

This is what I got after zinc HCL-CL process filtered. since I still can't get the stannous chloride right, can someone tell me if I am close to PGM recovery? I left 1 cat at the HCL-Cl for only 4 days.

What are we looking at here?

I know its a filter but what is the copper colored chunk and the black spot?


I didn't use the charmin tissues, rather i used what it was near me, so that copper looking thing is the tissue folded and the black materials on it are left from the zinc HCL-Cl fine filtering. the bottom is the coarse filtering from the same material.


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