Extracting Rhodium, Iridium from Iron ore.

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There are readings for PD, RH & OS also not just IR.
They do not show in the pictures you have provided.

And there is no such thing as:
PD, RH, OS and IR.
It is Pd, Rh, Os and Ir.
In chemistry there is a crucial difference between upper and lower case letters.
It’s the same IR,RH,PD,OS
I know XRF readings don’t give exact essays but if it’s showing that means the metals are there. The machine I have is Olympus Venta specialize for Geochem readings.
Any Evident XRF whether it’s Alloy tester or geochem tester shows all the metals like that. I buy gold from Zimbabwian Government all time we check gold with machine it shows “Au” not AU so if you’re saying all lowercase written references are wrong I don’t support it.
You have to check about Olympus machine all the Evident XRF shows like that.
Picture attached showing Pd,Ir,Os,Rh.
I told you we get it tested by ICP methods from lab also same metals are there some lower and some above 20PPM.


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