Ferric Sulphate to Ferrous Sulphate

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Active member
Aug 10, 2010
Greenville, South Carolina
Greetings all.....I just purchased 10 lbs of Ferric Sulphate and realized that I needed Ferrous Sulphate........What can I do to convert this chemical to Copperas? I read that Sulphuric Acid would do the trick, but not sure how to about it; any help would be appreciated.
Mingo said:
Greetings all.....I just purchased 10 lbs of Ferric Sulphate and realized that I needed Ferrous Sulphate........What can I do to convert this chemical to Copperas? I read that Sulphuric Acid would do the trick, but not sure how to about it; any help would be appreciated.

I think if you added an excess of Iron metal, the ferric would be reduced to ferrous. This would have to be done in solution before you used it.

Fe2(SO4)3 +Fe =3 FeSO4

Adding a small amount of Sulfuric Acid will speed things up a bit.
goldsilverpro said:
Were it me, I would just buy some ferrous sulfate.

A lot of the Ferrous Sulfate for sale is not of very good quality, partially oxidized to Ferric and sometimes, just plain crap. I keep some pure Iron powder just for that situation to bring it up to snuff. It's much cheaper than buying lab grade. It's like adding Tin to Stannous test solution, it drives the reaction towards the reduced form.
Thanks guys......actually after Irons response, I pulled out some iron filings (15 lbs) I collected with a magnet on a lake shore last summer that I had cleaned and added hot water along with the Ferric Sulphate and 100ml of H2SO4 and put aside.....this morn it is reacting and hopefully I'll have some usable Ferrous within a couple days.......otherwise I'll go with GSP's advise and buy the right stuff.....its very inexpensive.
-Regards, Tim
Mingo said:
Thanks guys......actually after Irons response, I pulled out some iron filings (15 lbs) I collected with a magnet on a lake shore last summer that I had cleaned and added hot water along with the Ferric Sulphate and 100ml of H2SO4 and put aside.....this morn it is reacting and hopefully I'll have some usable Ferrous within a couple days.......otherwise I'll go with GSP's advise and buy the right stuff.....its very inexpensive.
-Regards, Tim

Try and keep the air out as Oxygen will oxidize the Ferrous to Ferric, but allow the Hydrogen produced by the reaction of the Sulfuric on the Iron to vent.

I hope you are doing this outdoors.
Mingo said:
Thanks guys......actually after Irons response, I pulled out some iron filings (15 lbs) I collected with a magnet on a lake shore last summer that I had cleaned and added hot water along with the Ferric Sulphate and 100ml of H2SO4 and put aside.....this morn it is reacting and hopefully I'll have some usable Ferrous within a couple days.......otherwise I'll go with GSP's advise and buy the right stuff.....its very inexpensive.
-Regards, Tim

If it's Magnetite you are using, it won't work. It has to be Iron metal, not the Oxide.
Will not succeed this way, since H2 coming out, can not
reduce Fe+3. On the other hand, yes Fe will keep Fe+2
from oxidizing
Well, that changes things......btw, I am doing this outside.......the filings I picked up on the lake shore may very well be magnetite, but in themselves are not magnetic........so far everything is proceeding the way I would imagine....the bucket is loosely covered and giving off a smell like Hydrogen Sulfide, so I'm assuming the reaction is progressing. I will probably purchase some Ferrous, but I would like to see this through as a learning exercise at least......I am trying to learn the "chemistry" of all these processes so as to better handle the unexpected (of which I am having plenty). Thanks to all.....I learn something daily on this forum.
Regards, Mingo
After thinking through what Irons said about the Oxide not working, I have to conclude that it is the oxide I am using......it all came from the lakebed over many years, so it only reasons that the filings I've collected are iron oxide. I love it when a plan comes together. :shock:

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