I have a cone mold. I pour within 15 seconds, probably in less than 10 actually. This second batch was super thick even when white hot as I mentioned.
Is there any way around an expensive balance? I simply cannot afford one like that. It's also not incredibly important to get super accurate results. I was thinking If I measured the bead, calculated the volume of a sphere and with the density of gold it would give me the weight. Of course that only works for pure gold. But if a simple color test could tell me the bead was at least 50% gold, I should be able to get a rough idea of what.
Example, volume of 0.002" bead X density of gold gave me 1.32mg. If 100% silver, 0.72mg. So at least 50% gold should give me somewhere in the middle around 1 oz/tn.
If I can verify I have at least 0.5oz/tn it's a go for running all the material anyway.
Thanks for the tip on the furnace. I wish I could find an electric one that was affordable.