first try & dirty ap solition

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Green color may be sign of copper being dissolved. Pretty normal color with fresh AP solution. It become more dark when more copper will be dissolved.
Well... Now I realize that some of these type of circuitry from flat screen and LCD may be all copper. Don't worry you get rid of green paint in next stage when you dissolve foils mixed with paint in HCl/Cl and paint will be filtered.
patnor1011 said:
Well... Now I realize that some of these type of circuitry from flat screen and LCD may be all copper. Don't worry you get rid of green paint in next stage when you dissolve foils mixed with paint in HCl/Cl and paint will be filtered.
necromancer said:
the large gold sestions on the boards on the photo are gold, but the boards have a mask.

Steve has a video on his site showing how to remove the solder mask.
Palladium said:
necromancer said:
the large gold sestions on the boards on the photo are gold, but the boards have a mask.

Steve has a video on his site showing how to remove the solder mask.

i seen it. ty

but this is my first go & had no idea what it was but do now

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