Fist size capacitors

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Hey fellas (ladies?),
I got my hands on a bunch of military scrap. I have about 100 capacitors that are about the size of my fist. Any Pm's in there or just copper due to the likely high currents running through them. Toss 'em or sell 'em or what rip them down because they are full of .... Any Ideas I will try to post a picture.
Incidently, I looked for something on this - couldn't find anything. Common sense usually prevails - with the size of these things probably not much of anything good in there ... then again, you know our government they could be loaded with ... something worthwhile?


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They look like aluminium capacitors.
If so, they may have some silver,but they are not likely to have any PGMs.
We use these large capacitors in our DC Choke/ Capacitor etups for medium sized transformers. They handle very little current as they are meant to keep the voltage at a constant rate. I would have to agree with Dimitry, they are mostlikely AL with a coiled ferrous linining insulated between coilings with paper and soaked in a oil? Base??? Oil and alcohol? I can't remember right now. As for the silver implied? Maybe the leads going into the contacts, very small even if they are AG.

Good Luck,
I once used simmilar capacitors for my flash lamp dye laser experiments.
They worth more when they are used in some circuits. Try applying them somewhere. Don't scrap.
I appreciate your help, I think maybe I will try to find someone who can use them for some application. Seems ok to tear apart electronics that are obsolete - but a shame to scrap something useful.
I have some maybe 50 that are rated 30 vdc
10 that are 85 vdc
5 or so 90 vdc
2-3 350 vdc
2-3 60 vdc

1 says 60wvdc
1 -2 20 vdc
There may be a few others

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