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maynman1751 said:
In my opinion,if he is indeed a millionaire, he should invest in some literacy and spelling lessons! :roll:

Like many other members? :lol: :lol:
It's very hard to tolerate someone that has a rude behavior. Some one that gets angry and lashes out like that is comfortable doing it. They place other peoples concerns second to their own and then they get angry if their wishes aren't met. People can be whatever they want to be. If they want to be rude, they can't do it here. For some reason, I feel that should the foremost authority on refining become a member here and start out acting like a horses ***, he would get booted just as quick.
Yet another newby lynching, with all the usual players.

Harold, your insinuation that 200%carat intended fraud is unsupported by any evidence. He addressed the dual identity situation adequately--I've had the same problems myself over the years.
If I can chirp in on this? 1) Yes, there is no free ride. 2) Why would a millionaire want to waste their time doing what the OP suggests? 3) Sounds like a spammer that thinks he's something he's not. 4) Maybe a spoiled rich kid who is used to getting everything he wants and when Harold crossed him it was like Daddy saying no? 5) Now he is going to pout!

I must say that if I was a millionaire I may still want to dabble in precious metals but not at the level us working folk need to. Maybe travel to some point on the planet and buy cheap then return and sell large if that is still possible. Maybe I would even do what the OP suggests - have a product in mass that I would ship to a partner to process in return for a 50/50 split but it would be a product that would be beneficial to us both. i.e a good, sound proposal. Cop or not, good call Harold_V.
Tub Buster said:
Yet another newby lynching, with all the usual players.

Harold, your insinuation that 200%carat intended fraud is unsupported by any evidence. He addressed the dual identity situation adequately--I've had the same problems myself over the years.
Tub, you should check the background. Start with rfran7788's post here:help to remove platinum. He joins the forum claiming to have boards with platinum. The thread goes along for a while. On the second page of posts, suddenly 200%carat "joins" the forum saying "I have similar lnb boards...". But as it turns out, he was the OP! Then he starts this thread about getting someone to toll refine his L&B boards.

Harold knew what he was doing.

Tub Buster.
Having or using two identities is against the forum rules, there are several reasons for these rules, and one is to help protect members when business transactions are conducted.

The intranet makes people anonymous enough, there are not many reasons why anyone would need to use two identities, and where using two identities can be use for fraudulent practices, Harold had good reason to post what he did. Harold was not insinuating that 200%carat was involved in the practice of fraudulent behavior, but He did state that it was a possible reason for having two identities, He also gave 200%carat a fair chance to stay a member here in good standing, and to explain why he had been using two identities...

Harold just laid the cards on the table.

How 200% carat chose to play this hand was up to him, his choice was with confrontation, to challenge the forum, its rules, and one of the forums founders, and leaders, who is keeper here on the forum, the way I see it Harold had two choices, (with only one choice that would make any sense), to let the monkeys run the zoo, or to keep the monkey from tearing up the zoo.

200% carat, showed the hand he chose, and showed how he wished to play this game, in this deal, how he would get along with other members here on the forum, instead of working to become fellow forum member, and work with others in a respectful manner, his choice was to confront the bull, well that disruptive cowboy got bucked off, and for good reason.

You may not agree, or have the understanding to see that reason.
From what I have seen, Harold has a bit of common sense with moderating the forum, almost seems like he has a sixth sense, or has a way of testing the waters to bring the snake to the surface, so it can be dealt with before we go to long swimming with it.

We are lucky to have Harold here as a moderator, his wisdom in dealing with matters here has been a big part in the success of this forum, and in keeping it from becoming just another run down old zoo.
Tub Buster said:
Yet another newby lynching, with all the usual players.

Harold, your insinuation that 200%carat intended fraud is unsupported by any evidence. He addressed the dual identity situation adequately--I've had the same problems myself over the years.
That I may or may not have understood the reason why he had dual identities, his less than acceptable response was his undoing. Had he exercised common decency and respect, he'd still be here. If he feels he can come here and pass out his insults without paying a price, he's wrong. Here, readers will be on their best behavior, and will show due respect to those who contribute their time and keep the board running smoothly. If that's too great a price for him, you, or anyone to pay, I think you know how it's going to shake out.

He didn't get banned because of his dual registration. He got banned because of his inability to discuss the issue without denigrating the forum. He showed that it had little value to him. That's all I need to know.

I have a job to perform here, and I do it. If I find the least bit of interference from a reader---any reader----I will do what it takes to rectify the problem. If a reader wishes to remain in good graces, there's no end to the number of appropriate responses that would lead to that end. For reasons best known to him, he chose a different route, one I do not find acceptable. I have no patience with those who think of themselves as privileged---that they have no need to follow the rules--or that they can mistreat others because they feel they are superior. Had this individual responded politely, all would have been well.

As I said, I take no prisoners. If a reader acts out, my solution is to ban the reader. I have no intentions of trying to reason with anyone who can't behave.
If you're looking to join the ranks of those who are no longer welcome here, you most likely understand how to get the job done. The ball is in our court. Choose your words wisely.

What people fail to realize is just because you can see this forum in a public domain doesn't mean its public. You have to register to be a member. That being said banning isn't the only option available to the forum to deal with problems. I can have your website shut down if you're spamming it here and with a phone can to your isp, which is easy enough to track, i can have you internet service shut down without your input just by filing a complaint. Then after that i can have criminal.charges filed against you. You just can't do what you want on the. net nowadays. As far as millionaire ..... lol... being a millionaire is easy. I've been there done that and its nothing special. Everybody is after your money.
"Jail cell" (200%carat)....
Everyone is free to leave...must be a very special jail cell...weird.

I really can't see any lynching in this thread. In my understanding lynching is when a mob is doing self-justice. What I see, are honest, honorable, merited men, who keep the town clean. I can't help thinking of a wild west town under the gold rush. Every day fraud and murder. The internet is in fact such a wild west and I appreciate that this town owns some wise sheriffs, who ensure a community of upright exchange of knowledge and business.
Harold_V said:
As I said, I take no prisoners. If a reader acts out, my solution is to ban the reader. I have no intentions of trying to reason with anyone who can't behave.
If you're looking to join the ranks of those who are no longer welcome here, you most likely understand how to get the job done. The ball is in our court. Choose your words wisely.
My words are always measured.

"Judge not, and you will not be judged; condemn not, and you will not be condemned; forgive, and you will be forgiven."

Libel Laws, Here and There

The authority of moderators derives from their being agents of Nikor corporation, which owns Gold Refining Forum. Nikor operates under the laws of Canada.

In the U.S., the leading case in libel law is Sullivan v. New York Times. The NYT took liberties with Sullivan, but the Supreme Court decided that Sullivan was a public figure, and hence:
a) He had a diminished right to privacy, and
b) He had a diminished ability to recover damages from a tort of libel.

One well-known application of this precedent was in the case of a lawsuit by Oliver Sipple, who sued the San Francisco Chronicle after it outed him, when he saved President Ford's life.

The Canadian Supreme Court specifically considered Sullivan v. NYT, and rejected the logic, in favor of traditional British common law. A leading case in Canadian jurisprudence in R. v. Church of Scientology of Toronto. ("R" stands for Regina, the Queen). In this case, and agent of the Church of Scientology, lawyer Morris Manning, libeled the prosecuting attorney. The Church was charged with the CRIMINAL (i.e. statutory) offense of libel. After a long jury trial it was convicted and fined two million dollars, effectively bankrupting it.

Note that the actions of an agent of a corporation can have a drastic effect upon the corporation itself. Choose your words wisely.
Tub Buster, are you insinuating that if Harold bans you, you can sue Noxx as well as Harold? If not, I don't understand your analogy. From what I understand (Disclaimer: I am not a lawyer but I played one on TV. Not really) you and everyone else here agreed to the terms when they registered as a member. This is an "at will" forum because you pay no dues and are not paid to be here. You can not have an expectation of immunity in a community like this. Jean gave the mods the authority to police the forum and expel any member that is disruptive. I can't see how your response is going to turn out in anyway favorable for you. If you are tired of being here and feel you have learned all you care to, why not just leave without causing drama?
Okay Tub,

the internet is where it happens, so since I am sitting here in Germany, after german law, a wrong word from your side against my person, can be a violation of German law IN Germany. I don't know, if you did mean me, when you wrote "lynching", but if so, I could easily raise a lawsuit against you, since lynching is a crime and wrongly insinuating a crime, is a crime, too, in this country.

Now, I am quite peaceful and I have no time for kindergarten mess. It is free to stay and free to leave. I just can't stand this biting the hand that feeds you (for free) behavior. The mods are mods are mods.

I should never be a mod, and I never wanted to anywhere, - because I would probably ban every week, I would probably ban before they joined. I am glad, there are people, who do this work voluntarily, patiently and wisely.
Tub Buster,
I read what you wrote, it makes little sense to me, It is unrelated to recovery and refining, as far as I can see it has little to do with nothing, except maybe to try and justify your case or beef with the forum or the moderators.

I do not understand your case, as far as I see you have no case, this is not a court of law, I am no lawyer, and have not studied law., so a lot of what you wrote is just mumbo jumbo to me.

What I do know are the laws of this forum, and how it works, you are a member of this forum, so you can choose to abide by the forums law. Or choose not to be a member and quit visiting the forum; the choice is yours, if you do not follow the forums laws, or cause trouble, you will be banned, which is up to the choice of Noxx, the members, and the moderators.

The law here on the forum is simple.

It looks like you are trying to argue with it, your argument does not standup in this court.

I thought about deleting your post above, because it is disruptive to the forum, but decided to leave it for others to try and make sense of the mumbo jumbo you have written, and decide if they wish to allow you to continue to be a member here.

I have no mind to ban you at this point, although it is being considered as you are being disruptive. Someone else may decide differently.

But if I see you continue to be disruptive to the forum, I will ban you in a heartbeat.
Tub... you are treading on very thin ice just like this tiny spider dangling in front of my screen.
It has been there for over a week now and is welcome. By dropping as far down as it is, it risks being swiped away.

Why are you trying to "stir" things up by defending the right to express yourself the way you want instead of trying to understand why Harold is the way he is?

It's his job!!! He does it very well and I for 1 am very thankful he does it so well. Keeps the crap and drama out as much as possible allowing us all to grow and learn what this forum is about.

Spider just went bye-bye easy as a swipe of my hand. Are you going to be next by aggravating more instead of asking descent questions about your concerns?

Hope you look through different eyes and begin to see the reasoning.


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