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I agree with Lou, it would sure make things run smoother here.

That being said, I do not take banning of members lightly. If I did I would have taken the last few comments of Tub Buster and said enough is enough and a few keystrokes and he would be gone, much like the spider in Pantherlikher's post.

I took the time to go back and read through most of Tub's posts and discovered a member who has done some good things for the forum and provided some good insight about refining. Because of this previous good behavior, I believe Tub should refrain from his criticism of the way the forum is run and learn to appreciate the fact that BECAUSE of the way the forum is run it is still here helping members process their precious metals. If he cannot do that, then it is time to go.

Your move Tub.
solar_plasma said:
...the internet is where it happens, so since I am sitting here in Germany, after german law, a wrong word from your side against my person, can be a violation of German law IN Germany. I don't know, if you did mean me, when you wrote "lynching", but if so, I could easily raise a lawsuit against you, since lynching is a crime and wrongly insinuating a crime, is a crime, too, in this country...
I believe we in Australia have a similar law. It's been tried at least once or twice and has gone either way. However unless your GRF ID is your legal name, I don't know how you'd go with slander. On the other hand, if it is, I expect you have rather interesting parents. Of course I mean you no offence*. Mine's not really Jason Recliner either. It's just a great place to kick back, and follow the threads. Maybe with some popcorn for this one.

(* Not like the kids who taunted you in school.)
jason_recliner said:
solar_plasma said:
...the internet is where it happens, so since I am sitting here in Germany, after german law, a wrong word from your side against my person, can be a violation of German law IN Germany. I don't know, if you did mean me, when you wrote "lynching", but if so, I could easily raise a lawsuit against you, since lynching is a crime and wrongly insinuating a crime, is a crime, too, in this country...
I believe we in Australia have a similar law. It's been tried at least once or twice and has gone either way. However unless your GRF ID is your legal name, I don't know how you'd go with slander. On the other hand, if it is, I expect you have rather interesting parents. Of course I mean you no offence*. Mine's not really Jason Recliner either. It's just a great place to kick back, and follow the threads. Maybe with some popcorn for this one.

(* Not like the kids who taunted you in school.)

XD LOOOL :lol:
I'll settle this matter. He's banned. I won't tolerate ANYONE who disrupts the forum unnecessarily.

Tub Buster said:
Harold_V said:
As I said, I take no prisoners. If a reader acts out, my solution is to ban the reader. I have no intentions of trying to reason with anyone who can't behave.
If you're looking to join the ranks of those who are no longer welcome here, you most likely understand how to get the job done. The ball is in our court. Choose your words wisely.
My words are always measured.
Yes, I see that. As an example "Yet another newby lynching, with all the usual players."

I am being accused of lynching. I don't take that charge lightly, and may well file my own charges.

You, sir, are not free to come to this forum and make accusations against others, in particular when they are criminal in nature. You now no longer have that privilege, as you have violated terms of being a reader on this forum.

"Judge not, and you will not be judged; condemn not, and you will not be condemned; forgive, and you will be forgiven."

Judge not and I will be negligent by not performing the duties I have been asked to perform. I do my job. If that includes expelling an unruly individual from the board, so be it. Your comments are not required for this board to operate as it is intended. In fact, they are disruptive. You are being released because they are disruptive. Too much energy is being wasted unnecessarily.

It seems that some have to poke a sleeping bear with a sharp stick. One thing I have learned in my not so short life is that although you may not agree you have to respect and honour a person's personal space if you are in it - property if you will, and this board is the property of someone who has set rules down for behaviour and conduct. If one doesn't agree, they should have the decency to leave on their own accord or shut up. Arguments are sometimes necessary but it is best to make peace when you are wrong. Some can never admit they are wrong - has caused world wars but that is not happening here. Good on ya Harold.
There's plenty of room for debate, as a matter of fact, there is a topic named just for it. If you want to debate a particular subject, that would be the place to present your opinions. If someone has a strong opinion about me in a positive or negative way, they certainly have the right to voice their opinion and I hope that if it's negative, we can work through something to make it better. If tub buster had taken to the correct area to voice his concerns, it may have ended differently. It seems as though he wanted to call Harold out right here because he did not agree with what Harold did. Don't be misled into believing that he didn't know full well how Harold would react if he decided to "throw down the gauntlet".

From wiki : The phrase is associated particularly with the action of the King's Champion, which officer's role was from mediæval times to act as champion for the King at his coronation, in the unlikely event that someone challenged the new King's title to the throne.

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