Free Nitric

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Active member
Jul 10, 2010
Ok here is my deal. The place where I work has a waste treatment plant on site. They use nitric acid for one of the tests they do monthly. They only use an eye dropper full every month, but they buy it by the gallon, 5 gallons at a time for cost savings. The supervisor said I could have some for my refining (mainly for keyboard mylars.) My question is if I am going to get some in smaller amounts, what would be a safe container to transport it in and store it in at my house in my shop? Thanks!
Im pretty sure you can store nitric in stainless steel containers. Maybe a old stainless steel water bottle that you would use in a lunch box, or perhaps a glass water bottle if you need more room.
I would not use stainless steel, it would be ok for concentrated acid, but dilute acid could attack it, and then there are different types of stainless steel some resistant some not.

glass (lid type is important) or thick brown HDPE plastic (like the hydrogen peroxide comes in).
So if I use an empty peroxide bottle to transport and store it should I just rinse the bottle out well with tap water or use distilled water and then let it dry completely before I put the nitric in it?
A few drops of hydrogen peroxide will not hurt, and it can actually help to keep the nitric from decomposing as NO2 gas,.
The thick brown HDPE bottle will work for storage for short term, but if your thinking of storing for long term then use glass (protect from light), also the concentration of the nitric acid should be a consideration when storing. when storing nitric the nitric can decompose to NO2 which can build pressure in a container, dilute or clean solutions would decompose less than highly concentrated or solutions with other things like metals in solution, storage temperatures and light conditions can play a major role in storage, bottle caps are important, even the glass bottles I buy nitric in after a period of time the caps will break down and become brittle, sometimes breaking, I feel nitric acid is just better not stored long if you can help it, remember do not store your nitric where an accident could occur, keep from strong bases and organics, a catch basin and a place where if fumes did escape they would not cause damage, out of reach of children and animals, not in your house or workshop.
Does this place you are getting this from have an empty container? It should have the right lid and rating for the contents. Perhaps they would let you have one, that is if it's not a deposit container.
They use such a small amount for the tests that they use it for that they only empty a container once every year or so, according to them. And of course as my luck would have it, they just started a new container. However, I certainly won't complain as I know it is still free nitric, a luxury most do not have. And I am not really looking to store any at my home. I was more looking to be able to get some as I need it and use it and then dispose of it properly as I am done with it. That way I don't have the concern of having it on hand to deal with it and all the safety concerns of storing it. With that in mind, I should be able to just transport it in an empty brown plastic peroxide bottle as needed for my usage...
They have heavy brown glass bottles with glass stoppers at Hobby Lobby. Kinda have to look around for them but my store had several sizes. The glass stoppers would keep pressure from building up.

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