Much of how successful you are in building this into a profit making venture depends on 3 things
(1) knowing your material = what to pay for & what not to pay for & what to process & what not to process (or what to not sell & what to sell)
(2) How aggressive you are in acquiring material to build a supply client base (to get material you have to let people know you want material - get the word out)
(3) How "fair" you treat the clients that provide you with material (treat them fair they return with more - don't treat them fair they don't return with more)
That goes without saying!! But know this, I know what's right and wrong and what's fair and unfair. Don't know how the last few post are edging towards fairness and conduct. I know I am not a "refiner " at the moment but I do know how to conduct myself in a professional manner. Thanks to all for the wonderful advice on etiquette, that parts a given!!goldenhaha said:Much of how successful you are in building this into a profit making venture depends on 3 things
(1) knowing your material = what to pay for & what not to pay for & what to process & what not to process (or what to not sell & what to sell)
(2) How aggressive you are in acquiring material to build a supply client base (to get material you have to let people know you want material - get the word out)
(3) How "fair" you treat the clients that provide you with material (treat them fair they return with more - don't treat them fair they don't return with more)
Kurt gave you good advice on the matter. The most important is in number 3. How fair are you going to treat your clients.
Treating your clients well will make or break you. Not only in buying or selling but if word gets around that you maybe a little bit shady or untrustworthy that blurs the whole picture.
Tndavid said:That goes without saying!! But know this, I know what's right and wrong and what's fair and unfair. Don't know how the last few post are edging towards fairness and conduct. I know I am not a "refiner " at the moment but I do know how to conduct myself in a professional manner. Thanks to all for the wonderful advice on etiquette, that parts a given!!