getting out gold from this solution

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New member
Mar 4, 2011
Hi all,i am a very new member, and very need help from you all
i have putted some computer parts into nitric acid + hydrochloric acid, and then i became blur about what things to do after this step :roll:
We need some more information on how much off each chemical you used and what quantity of material you are processing to be able to help you out. And some pictures of what you have will help a lot as well.

If you were going to bake a cake you would research recipes, get the right equipment, and buy the correct ingredients. You would follow that recipe step-by-step to ensure that you achieved your final result.

Instead, it seems you have done the equivalent of mixing together flour and water, turning on the oven, and THEN wondered what the next step is.

You clearly can't be prepared if you "are a blur" about what to do. How could you possibly engage in an endeavor like this without having the slightest idea of what comes next? What books have you read? What threads on this forum have you studied?

Unfortunately, unlike baking a cake, messing around with chemicals like these can result in you injuring yourself or someone else.

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