Dear All!
I followed the advices of Palladium and tried fizzer with NaCl electrolyte. Works fine, I like it so much!
I used an another 0,3 microns water filter ceramic tube for this experiment, the tube was sealed by epoxy putty (at this point I have to note, that epo putty is not suitable for HCl). It works a little bit slower than HCl fizzer, but there is no acidic spray. Scale up could and would be done with common equipments and pumps by this way.
Starting material was the same 0.8985 rolled gold. Solutin Filtered from AgCl, acidified a little bit and precipitated by SMB.
Gold was washed with hot water 3 times, than with hot HCl, than cold water, than cold HCl, and a lot of cold water washing.
Gold was looking much better by this way, it has a much lighter brown colour. Gold was smelt in graphite crucible.
According to XRF gold purity is around 999. Fire assay comming soon, but just after Christmas.
This was my first mettalurgical job and I really enjoy this type of "evil electrochemistry". Of course I have to work on it to minimize loss and scale up for larger batches. Another membrane experiments are comming soon with another membrane types

So I wish Marry Christmas and Happy New Year with a lot of gold!
Thanks a lot for helpful advices guys, it' the better forum ever.