Gold not dropping after denoxing and SMB

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Well-known member
Jul 6, 2024
Hello everyone! I have fotten my 1st gold drop aftwr incinerating washing, hcl, wash, hno3, wash then AR -> sulfamic then 24 hours after i dropped the gold with SMB. (.34g).

This time i thought i knew what i was doing. After incinerating 5 CPU, 200g ic chips and washes, i panned the gold and saw it form i. The corner.

I then did my hcl and hno3 washes. After the cleaning i added sulfamic acid until there was no reaction. I did a stanneous test and it showed positive reaction with gold.

I did not wait 24 hours and after sulphamic i filtered and immediately put ice and SMB (2 grams mixed with water). There was no color change and nothing showed differently after 4 hours. I tested solution and there was no gold reaction and nothing dropoed. I seemed to have lost the gold after clearly identifying after incinerating. What happened here?

after sulphamic (added like 5 grams here) should i have waited 24 hours? Should i have not put in ice cubes?

Please advise as my first time i had a good yield and my second time nothing.
Hello everyone! I have fotten my 1st gold drop aftwr incinerating washing, hcl, wash, hno3, wash then AR -> sulfamic then 24 hours after i dropped the gold with SMB. (.34g).

This time i thought i knew what i was doing. After incinerating 5 CPU, 200g ic chips and washes, i panned the gold and saw it form i. The corner.

I then did my hcl and hno3 washes. After the cleaning i added sulfamic acid until there was no reaction. I did a stanneous test and it showed positive reaction with gold.
How did you do this HCl and Nitric washes and what did you do with the rest liquid?

I did not wait 24 hours and after sulphamic i filtered and immediately put ice and SMB (2 grams mixed with water). There was no color change and nothing showed differently after 4 hours. I tested solution and there was no gold reaction and nothing dropoed. I seemed to have lost the gold after clearly identifying after incinerating. What happened here?
No need to wait 24 hours, where did you see this?
You do not add ice and SMB at the same time, you dilute and put Ice then filter it until completely clear, this is to get out the Silver Chloride it it is there.
Sulfamic is the destroy the extra Nitric and it need to be done hot, no need for 24 hour wait.

after sulphamic (added like 5 grams here) should i have waited 24 hours? Should i have not put in ice cubes?

Please advise as my first time i had a good yield and my second time nothing.
I really don't follow what you have done.
I have added some comments in the quote.
How much SMB did you use?
How did it look when you added it?
When adding the ice, be sure to give it some time to cool your solution. This will allow extra time for any silver to form into a filterable material. Dilution combined with cold will come from using the right amounts of ice to start with.
I really don't follow what you have done.
I have added some comments in the quote.
How much SMB did you use?
How did it look when you added it?
What i did was the following

1. Incinerate
2. Manually grind
3. Gravity wash carbon out
4. HCL for 3 days
5. HNO3 for 1 day
6. AR solution
7. Stanneous tested for gold
8. Immediate add sulfamic until no reaction at 70 celsius
8.5: filter solution
9. 2 minutes later add ice
10. 3 minutes later add water mixed with 4 grams of SMB

11. No gold precipitate but after waiting there was some white powder AND i am 100% sure there was gold as i saw it form up when gravity cleaning
Ellias, the missing step I don't see is what you did or didn't do between steps 4 and 5. You soaked your concentrates in HCl for 3 days. Then you soaked them in HNO3 for 1 day. Did you do anything in between those 2 steps to eliminate any leftover HCl / chlorides?

I ask because if you didn't completely eliminate the chlorides before soaking in the HNO3, you may have created some AR and dissolved some or all of your gold into the HNO3. If you saved the HNO3 you should still be able to recover any gold that may be there.

What i did was the following

1. Incinerate
2. Manually grind
3. Gravity wash carbon out
4. HCL for 3 days
5. HNO3 for 1 day
6. AR solution
7. Stanneous tested for gold
8. Immediate add sulfamic until no reaction at 70 celsius
8.5: filter solution
9. 2 minutes later add ice
10. 3 minutes later add water mixed with 4 grams of SMB

11. No gold precipitate but after waiting there was some white powder AND i am 100% sure there was gold as i saw it form up when gravity cleaning
I would say that the filtering should be step 9.5 not 8.5 as the Ice and diluting will let the Silver chloride drop out.
And then filter it.
The 2 minutes and 3 minutes strike me as too short of a time.
Hello everyone! I have fotten my 1st gold drop aftwr incinerating washing, hcl, wash, hno3, wash then AR -> sulfamic then 24 hours after i dropped the gold with SMB. (.34g).

This time i thought i knew what i was doing. After incinerating 5 CPU, 200g ic chips and washes, i panned the gold and saw it form i. The corner.

I then did my hcl and hno3 washes. After the cleaning i added sulfamic acid until there was no reaction. I did a stanneous test and it showed positive reaction with gold.

I did not wait 24 hours and after sulphamic i filtered and immediately put ice and SMB (2 grams mixed with water). There was no color change and nothing showed differently after 4 hours. I tested solution and there was no gold reaction and nothing dropoed. I seemed to have lost the gold after clearly identifying after incinerating. What happened here?

after sulphamic (added like 5 grams here) should i have waited 24 hours? Should i have not put in ice cubes?

Please advise as my first time i had a good yield and my second time nothing.
HCL and HNO3 washes. Unless you washed with distilled water several times between those 2 washes, you would, likely, dissolve the gold during the HNO3 washes. Although you claim to have had a positive test for gold after doing this. So, I could be wrong about dissolving with HNO3. Just a thought though. HNO3 will form AR if the HCl wasn't fully removed.
Ellias, the missing step I don't see is what you did or didn't do between steps 4 and 5. You soaked your concentrates in HCl for 3 days. Then you soaked them in HNO3 for 1 day. Did you do anything in between those 2 steps to eliminate any leftover HCl / chlorides?

I ask because if you didn't completely eliminate the chlorides before soaking in the HNO3, you may have created some AR and dissolved some or all of your gold into the HNO3. If you saved the HNO3 you should still be able to recover any gold that may be there.

Oh! I definitely forgot to add that i washed 5 times to get more carbon out and i washed 2 times with boiling water between the hcl and hno3
I would say that the filtering should be step 9.5 not 8.5 as the Ice and diluting will let the Silver chloride drop out.
And then filter it.
The 2 minutes and 3 minutes strike me as too short of a time.
2 and 3 minutes, if it is too short of a time then it will affect gold recovery yielding nothing?
Small quantities of gold take time to drop, if your stain from the stannous test was weak the quantity of metals you are expecting to drop is small and it probably is best to wait overnight before filtering out the precipitate.

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