gold pins(small quantities)

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arthur kierski

Well-known member
Feb 10, 2008
são paulo---brazil
i did this sometimes and never got the gold(not even o,o1grams)--example:20grams of gold pins +hno3 1to1 with distilled water=gold foils---filtrate this small quantity of gold foils and use hcl-clorox or ar to dissolve the foils---add smb and no gold is ppted----can someone explain this----------i see the gold foils so the small(minimun) gold should ppt-----this is important to me because i will have many kilos of gold pins and making 20 or 30grams is like making an assay

If you used too much clorox the gold is likely dissolving back into the solution due to excess chlorine.

[img:33:25][/img]Heat the solution until no more chlorine gas is released.[img:33:25][/img]

After the gas is driven out add a 1/2 teaspoon ( a few grams) dry SMB until the solution turns clear, the solution should then turn brown shortly thereafter. Let the fine cloud of gold powder settle then siphon off the liquid once it tests barren to stannous chloride. Wash 2-3 times with water, let settle and dry over low heat.
