gold refineing

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Well-known member
Jun 22, 2011
last night i took a small batch of goldfill /plated jewlery in a small beaker added aqua rigia and let it sit overnight and now its muddy color added urea and no chemial reaction happend that i could see. what happend???? last night it turned deep green translucent is that when i was suppose to pour off is aqua riga that much stroner than hydrocloric acid and nitic acid that u dont neeed to let it sit over night???? need help how long do i need to let urea sit???? rookie here lol

You start by gathering an understanding of what you are doing, obtained by carefully searching and reading posts on this forum so that you're not asking questions that have already been answered many, many times. Continue your education by reading Hoke. You have not mixed or used any chemicals at that point.

You've apparently dissolved karat gold or gold filled jewelry in AR, exactly the opposite of what you should do. You should dissolve out the base metals in mixed-alloy material using weaker acids and try to leave your gold behind by NOT using AR. Lazersteve has videos of this process and DVDs for sale and for free on his website. Search for his forum name and you will find same.

What you have now is a mess. You probably need to start all over.
My best advice is to stop what you’re doing. Don’t throw anything away. Put a lid on your beaker of materials, store it safely and STUDY. Start with reading Hoke’s book along with searching the forum for the same type of materials you are trying to process. The forum handbooks and Lazersteve’s website are also excellent reference material. SAFETY is the ultimate concern here.

Please don’t take this the wrong way but with the questions you are asking it is very easy to tell you have no idea what your doing and these chemicals are VERY dangerous. This topic of refining gold plated/gold filled has been covered many, many times on this forum.

Just slow down and take your time. Your gold isn’t going anywhere. This forum is an excellent place to learn and if you show that you have learned the basics the members here will go out of their way to help.

Be safe, have fun and welcome to the forum.

thnks you guys i went and bought a vid bad deal on my part ya im a rookie but this is how we alll learn i guess thanks a bunch
Links to free downloads can be found in several members sig. line. Read, Read and READ somemore. As above store what you have in a safe place begin reading and collecting more scrap for when you are ready.
Work safe and be safe, Mark
also search for cementing with copper, in your list of reading.
you will find there is an awful lot to learn, and it is not as easy as it sounds, but just keep studying and before you know it you will see things fall into place.

Hoke's book will be one of the best sources of info, and using Her getting aquanted tests on metals will put you steps ahead in this game, also study stannous chloride and testing, without it you will never know where the gold is at.

you have been given some very good advice by element47, Emmjae, and seawolf, saftey, and dealing with waste, should be the first study
Hello all Im in great need of instructions step by step of how to refine gold in both areas of acid bathe and reverse electroplating. Please respond soon I have made some purchases and would like to get my returns on them.
broke100 said:
Hello all Im in great need of instructions step by step of how to refine gold in both areas of acid bathe and reverse electroplating. Please respond soon I have made some purchases and would like to get my returns on them.

Your kidding, right?

It will take alot of study on your part, the info is here, you should not buy an airplane and ask someone to tell you how to fly it in one post, that may be your last flight, its a far drop back to the ground from the cloud's.
try this airplane flight manual one easy lesson.

Edit (to add comment):
you could resale them there are many people here that will buy material for a reasonable price.
broke100 said:
Hello all Im in great need of instructions step by step of how to refine gold in both areas of acid bathe and reverse electroplating. Please respond soon I have made some purchases and would like to get my returns on them.

When you find out how to buy Gold in parts that can be refined fast and easy so you can get rich fast, please post the method here so we can learn how to do it too!! :shock:

By the way, I heard that there is over an ounce of Gold in a $300 computer.
I'm just kidding of course.... :| Gold is over $1500 per ounce, how could they put an ounce of Gold in a computer and make a profit selling them at $300?
hmm could do without the sarcasims but thanks for all the info ill be busy for a while$$$$$$$$$$$$ the setup for reverse plating works great and already made 500.00 on the gold plated stuff but i bought about 100.00 of it alot of gram weight though for the total weight thanks
broke100 said:
hmm could do without the sarcasims but thanks for all the info ill be busy for a while$$$$$$$$$$$$ the setup for reverse plating works great and already made 500.00 on the gold plated stuff but i bought about 100.00 of it alot of gram weight though for the total weight thanks

You could do without the sarcasms, we could do without the;
"Im in great need of instructions step by step of how to refine gold in both areas of acid bathe and reverse electroplating"
"Please respond soon I have made some purchases and would like to get my returns on them"

Everything is on the forum for those who want to learn. Showing up and asking for step by step directions, and please hurry because I would like to get my returns doesn't work around here.

If you want success you must study. If you want success quickly, study faster.
If you want step by step directions with a quickness, then buy an Ebay how to guide.
Then your next step will be: Studying to fix a big mess, that takes a little longer than the correct way to go about learning this hobby.

Those who show some effort are more likely to get help than those expecting everything handed to them.
broke100 said:
hmm could do without the sarcasims but thanks for all the info ill be busy for a while$$$$$$$$$$$$ the setup for reverse plating works great and already made 500.00 on the gold plated stuff but i bought about 100.00 of it alot of gram weight though for the total weight thanks

I couldn't resist posting the sarcasm, but if you read the board you will see that people come here all the time posting something similar to what you wrote. For those of us that have to read the same requests over again everyday, it gets pretty old. If you will take the time to read what is already posted here, you shouldn't have nearly as many questions. It's so easy, even a caveman can do it....
jimdoc said:
broke100 said:
hmm could do without the sarcasims but thanks for all the info ill be busy for a while$$$$$$$$$$$$ the setup for reverse plating works great and already made 500.00 on the gold plated stuff but i bought about 100.00 of it alot of gram weight though for the total weight thanks

You could do without the sarcasms, we could do without the;
"Im in great need of instructions step by step of how to refine gold in both areas of acid bathe and reverse electroplating"
"Please respond soon I have made some purchases and would like to get my returns on them"

Everything is on the forum for those who want to learn. Showing up and asking for step by step directions, and please hurry because I would like to get my returns doesn't work around here.

If you want success you must study. If you want success quickly, study faster.
If you want step by step directions with a quickness, then buy an Ebay how to guide.
Then your next step will be: Studying to fix a big mess, that takes a little longer than the correct way to go about learning this hobby.

Those who show some effort are more likely to get help than those expecting everything handed to them.
Thanks, Jim. Extremely well stated.

broke100 said:
hmm could do without the sarcasims but thanks for all the info ill be busy for a while$$$$$$$$$$$$ the setup for reverse plating works great and already made 500.00 on the gold plated stuff but i bought about 100.00 of it alot of gram weight though for the total weight thanks
So then, you are so accomplished that you don't really need input from the able readers of the forum?

Be very respectful of the readers. It might pay you to take note that copping an attitude on this forum will get you a one way ticket off the train.
