Truth is that about 7 years ago, and years prior, I was selling very high grade e-scrap on Ebay all the time. Most of this was the very best boards from 1960's electronic test equipment and RF equipment. I use to list it in auctions at 0.99 cent starting bid and usually 20-30lbs at a time. I had, and still have, a very constant supply of this type of material. The LAST time I did that on Ebay, the boards sold for over $700 and I was very happy. Over the next several weeks & months, the buyer of that final auction contacted me repeatedly to ask if I had anymore - again & again & again. His rather obvious excitement was a tell that something went very well for him and I began to investigate. I knew people were recovering gold from what I was selling, but I never gave a thought as to whether I could learn the processes myself. Alas, 7 years later I have become a decent semi-experienced refiner of gold recovered from e-waste (thanks to EVERYONE ON THIS FORUM, especially Orvi, Sreetips, and a few others on Youtube). I am now adding an education into recovering PGM's and silver.
The challenge with e-waste is that there are always issues with a smooth recovery/refining; solving those problems has been difficult at times and I nearly gave up many times. You endure problems that Sreetips never has to deal with doing what he does. E-waste processing is far from "look it up in Hoke's" types of recoveries.
I now have several tons of high quality e-waste, which these days with gold going vertical, makes me very glad I did not learn these things too quickly. There are several current events and other things like the current evolution of AI, supercomputers (quantam computers), and BRICS nations buying up gold, that lead me to believe gold will be nearly $4K per troy oz before this year ends, if not more.