Gold will not precipitate

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Well-known member
Supporting Member
Jul 3, 2011
Spring City, TN
I'm made AR using 1 quart muriatic acid/8 ounces sodium nitrate dissolved 16 ounces hot water.I was stripping plated jewelry and lost track of weight.I think I may have exceeded limit of 140 grams dissolved material,and now the gold will not precipitate using SMB.Any suggestions?
Have you tested your solution with stannous to see if there is gold in your solution If you have an excess amunt of base metal you have dissolved your gold culd have cemented out and will be laying on the bottom of your container when you let it set for a couple of day's or it might be in your filter if your filtered your solution.

You have 3 option's. Evaporate your solution down till it is the consitancy of syrup and then add HCL and evaporate agin, do this till you have no more red fumes coming from your solution. Or you can add urea till there is no more reaction. Or you can add a piece of copper to your solution and cement out you PM's and reprocess them. All of this is on the forum and youcan find more details using the search function.

You should get a copy of Hoke's book and start reading.
Since he is talking that he lost track of weight I assume he processed fairly a lot of material. Most of his gold come off plating may cemented back on material if that was not dissolved completely.
608rogerm said:
I'm made AR using 1 quart muriatic acid/8 ounces sodium nitrate dissolved 16 ounces hot water.I was stripping plated jewelry and lost track of weight.I think I may have exceeded limit of 140 grams dissolved material,and now the gold will not precipitate using SMB.Any suggestions?

Yep! I have a suggestion.

Read Hoke's book. There's not much right with what you're doing.
By the way, stripping gold from plated jewelry using AR doesn't work worth a damn. Hoke should help you understand why.

I strongly recommend you put a stop to what you're doing until you have an understanding of extracting and refining precious metals.

I would do some more reading before you try to make large amounts of AR.
There are far better ways to process your items by removing base metals first. Large amounts of AR will get you a large mess.

For plated jewelry you should look into using the sulfuric cell.

I sell e-scrap by the ton to a refinery as a full time job. I keep the highest grade(telecom,ect.) for myself,and have been processing with,apparently, "poor-mans" A.R.,using homemade nitric and Hcl to remove base metals.The jewelry was just an experiment.I tried a sulfuric cell a couple years ago,(a bad one via e-bay) and still have the parts lying around. Currently surfing this site for new design.The hcl-clorox sounds far cheaper and easier to obtain.I'm going through a lot of sodium nitrate. P.S.-Doing a lot of reading in here before proceeding further, and appreciate the help!
608rogerm said:
I sell e-scrap by the ton to a refinery as a full time job. I keep the highest grade(telecom,ect.) for myself,and have been processing with,apparently, "poor-mans" A.R.,using homemade nitric and Hcl to remove base metals.The jewelry was just an experiment.I tried a sulfuric cell a couple years ago,(a bad one via e-bay) and still have the parts lying around. Currently surfing this site for new design.The hcl-clorox sounds far cheaper and easier to obtain.I'm going through a lot of sodium nitrate. P.S.-Doing a lot of reading in here before proceeding further, and appreciate the help!
It took me a couple of months to discover the "Guided Tour Link" in lazersteve's signature line. It is VERY easy to use, most relevant information appears, & recipes, yields, etc. are included, as well.
I highly recommend it - it has saved me more than time!
Good luck & hang in there!
608rogerm said:
Can't stop watching Steve's video's! Thanks for the EXTREMELY helpful links everyone!!

You can have them in better quality in your computer. You can access them anytime you want to consult process. They are priced very reasonably and one of the best investments you can make.