I know my ores and rocks VERY well, like the back of my hand. Plus, I've found the same ores with gold streaks in it and confirmed silver from the same deposit. So i've dissolved it in Hcl (No oxidizer, as gold oxides/compounds do not require)... and I've got a deep orange solution... Turns red when heated, then back to orange when cooled... When I cement with copper, the copper bar gets strongly plated and pulls everything out of solution lower on the reactivity series and absolutely coats it.. Grams and grams and grams of black cement... So Either my stannous I bought online is bad, or there is something in my solution preventing it from reacting. I can't get smb to react. I Added small amounts of concentrated sulfuric via Hoke's instructions, and got a large amount of white precipitate (lead sulfate). This is not surprising and was expected, as my area is known for lead production. So maybe lead was preventing this reaction?
Tomorrow I am going to try ferrous sulfate (the pentahydrate powder) and prepare it via sulfuric acid like how you advised (Before, I had prepared it via HCL, and it wasn't fully bright green, only had a slight green tint)... And then I'll add fresh iron to make sure it's as green as possible and see if that works... So far though, the only luck I've had is copper cementation. Also, there is very little iron contamination in case your wondering. I have an extremely powerful magnetic and it barely reacts to it. I'm thinking there has to be some type of complex in the ore that is preventing any precipitation from happening. The next thing I'm going to try is just going straight to electrolysis at a voltage of 2, to make sure no crap metals are deposited... and then hit it with sulfuric acid, and then attempt to re-refine and precipitate and see if that works. We shall see.