Metallic Ores produce various Colors as they oxidize, and therefore stain the Host Rock(s) that contain them.
These stains are called Gossans.
The following is a list of the various Gossan Colors.
Yellows, Browns, Maroons, and Reds = ... Various Iron Oxides.
Black = ........................................ Manganese Oxides.
Green = ....................................... Nickel
Greens and Blues = ........................... Copper Sulfides, Oxides, Carbonates, Etc.
Bright Yellow = ................................ Molybdenum
Waxy Green = ................................. Native Silver, or Silver Chloride.
Oranges and Yellows = ....................... Arsenic
Pinks and Purples = ........................... Cobalt
Here are a couple of Outcrop Photo's.
One showing Gossan Colors, and One without.
View attachment 3687View attachment 3688
The following is a list of Rock Types, and Metal Associations.
Granite = ........................... Gold and Silver.
Olivine Gabbro = ................... Platinum, Chromium, Nickel, Cobalt and Iron.
Dunite = ............................. Platinum and Chromium.
Peridotite/Peridotite Dunite = ... Nickel, Chromite, and Platinum.
Serpentinite = ...................... Platinum
The Following is a list of Gemstone, and Rock Type Associations.
Almandine = ......... Diorite, Hornfels, and Schist.
Andradite = .......... Granite Pegmatites, Carbonates, Hornfels, and Skarn.
Grossular = .......... Skarn, Marble, and Hornfels
Pyrope = .............. Peridote Dunite, and Gabbro.
Spessartine = ........ Granite Pegmatites, and Blue Schist.
Uvarovite = .......... Serpentinite, and Peridote Dunite.
Corundum = .......... Syenite, Nepheline Syenite Pegmatite, Hornfels, and Gneiss.
Beryl = ................ Granite Pegmatites, and Schist.
Tourmaline = ......... Granite Pegmatites, and Schist.
Spinel = ............... Hornfels, Marble, and Gabbro.
Topaz = ............... Granite pegmatites.
Zircon = ............... Granite Pegmatites, Diorite, Nepheline Syenite, and Carbonatite.