Got a lot for $70

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Dec 6, 2010
I just got all the computer parts below for $70 off of craigslist. Did I get a good deal?

Also just got the Shor Subzero kit. I was told the other day on here I shouldn't have ordered it, but I had already ordered it, so just wondering if there is anything in the instructions that is left out or not well stated.

Random question... what temperature is room temperature? Or to say what is the best temperature? As it's getting in the 50's (F) here and I plan to do this outdoors.

I'm still reading Hokes book. And waiting on the CD to come in the mail for using AP.

Also, not photographed is a bunch of connector cable heads. I was wondering if i have to take them apart or if I can just throw them in AR without taking off all the plastics and wires. As some are thick PITA plastic.


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You didn't get hurt. But with this being your 1st round use the HCL/peroxide method till you get a feel for what you are doing. And sell the shore kit back to fleabay.
puzzlerf said:
Random question... what temperature is room temperature? Or to say what is the best temperature? As it's getting in the 50's (F) here and I plan to do this outdoors.
Typically, chemical reactions are hastened by increased temperature. You may have success at 50°, but likely even better @ 70°.

I'm still reading Hokes book. And waiting on the CD to come in the mail for using AP.
Very pleased to hear you're reading Hoke. She won't teach you how to process e scrap, but the knowledge you'll gain from her teachings will allow you to process virtually anything you encounter. As you become more familiar with the processes, you'll see how they all are very much the same. Please do pay particular attention to testing----it is very important in the scheme of things.

I commend you for your organization.

Thanks for the replies yall.

Today has wonderful weather out, 70's (F), so I decided to do a small scale test. Admittedly I probably made it larger than I should have but not to large. A pint of HLC and about 2-3 table spoons of subzero. I dropped in about half of the pins in the photo graph. Originally I had all the pins in a zip lock baggy poked with a bunch of holes but was having trouble with it. It did show me that it was producing gas tho. Right now it's been about 45 minutes and the only thing I see happening is some of the silver looking parts are starting to turn black and none of the gold parts are fading. The liquid is still pretty clear with no color. One drop fell onto the concrete patio I'm working on and fizzled up and turned green. i put Urea on it and baking soda to neutralize it. Questions are, should I be seeing the solution fizzing like it did on the concrete? Is it normal for the silver parts to turn black? And did I neutralize the drop on concrete correctly?
I have a 5 gallon bucket full of a milky baby blue liquid......

Originally full of tap water to be used to wash off gloves and the plastic pans i was using. I was cleaning up some and poured the baking soda I had used earlier into it. A little bit later i was washing out the pan i used that had the AR solution in it and suddenly everything started turning milky blue. Some AR was left in the pan. My AR solution was black instead of the green it was supposed to be, tho after precipitation it's turned amber, so I assume thats good. still letting it settle, so I'll know more in a bit. Main question is whats with the blue water, and is it safe to dispose of down the drain? as it's 5 gallons of water and maybe at max 1 oz of chemicals.

::Edit:: read some more on the forums, i have a feeling I messed up and also that I have a lot to learn. luckly i did a test instead of jumping into it all the way with everything at once. Is there any step by step or just good links for how to process e-scrap? ::/Edit::
There are plenty of step wise processes written for e-scrap, which one you want to use depends on the type of e-scrap you are processing.

With which type of e-scrap would you like to begin?

Awesome Steve!

I guess I'd like to start with the RAM. Or maybe some of the processors.

Btw, how toxic is AR, AP, and other methods? Like one whiff will kill instantly, kills over a few days, just make you ill, or needs to be swallowed. And/or how corrosive? Most of what I've been reading just says it is, or that it's highly toxic/corrosive and such... but that doesn't tell me too much other than it's dangerous, which I already know. =/ Mainly ask because I freaked myself out earlier when the wind shifted and I got a big gust of fumes up my nose. Safe to say I'm buying a mask soon, but would still like to know.
Are you still with us puzzlerf? i bought a respirator thats rated for cyanide gasses and ammonia even then i still hold my breath around fumes ..
I'm still here, been out of town for work and have had some computer problems. It's been crazy. Right now all of this is on the back burner till I get more time I can devote to it.
have had some computer problems

you are not ment to scrap out you own computer. :lol:

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