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Maybe someone needs to come up with a 20 minute video that can't be page redirected before people sign up. For instance I decided one day I was going to sign up for a Spanish course online. I ran into the video, and you have to watch it all the way through before you could sign up. However, what they didn't know is 20 minutes of their boring campaign it turned me off. Might get rid of some of those one post wonders. Or actually laying down the rules without having to worry about whether they got the message or not.

I just want to say thank you for all you have done for me. As well as the rest of the board. I wouldn't have the job that I have without you.

As for the above, I hope it's understood I thought the quoted were to the point. The plate it was served on was rough, but it served well. Harold, you don't need to apologize.

People here have to search, mandatory. How can anyone expect to effectively gain knowledge, without doing that?

So if someone wont search, is rude about it, shows that entitlement attitude, boot.
patnor1011 said:
I would solve this issue rather quick. What about that new members will simply be not allowed to post for some amount of time. Week, month... That will sort out desperate youtube refiners with their drive-by posting.
I have seen this sort of requirement on many places and it actually help with calming down people with entitlement problems.
I have resisted that idea for a long time, but its time may have come. While I expect that I won't get the cooperation of some of the other moderators, I think I'll propose just that, in the hopes that new readers take a breath, learn to study, gaining knowledge such that they can post credible questions, and understand the answers that would be tendered by those with knowledge. It has become more and more obvious that those who are not familiar with the basics tend to ignore our admonition to study---as if there is a magic bullet that will allow them to refine without knowledge. Sadly, it just "ain't so".

Thanks for your kind remarks, patnor. I cherish your friendship.

To all others who have responded, I thank you. I welcome further comments, so I can make a wise decision for the future.


I have been a member here for a little over 4 years now & like "everyone" the first thing I was told was I needed to down load & read Hokes --- so I did - doing so was like an - Ahhhh now I understand moment - it also became evident to me that this was not an ask a few simple questions - get a few simple answers kind of thing to learn to do --- so with out actually being told that I needed to do a lot research I took it upon my self to start doing research

By research I mean I literally spent at least 4 hours a day & as much as 8 hours a day searching out information here on the forum - & I did so for a "countless" number of day

Reading Hokes & doing the research was "absolutely key" to my now doing what I am doing today --- Why ? --- because those two things are what put me on the right page to start asking the right kind off question once I started processing & to then be able to get real answers to those questions

The bottom line here being - that until I had read Hokes & spent some time doing research - I did not have a clue on what questions to ask much let alone how to ask a question in order to get a REAL answer that was going to really help me with my problem

The "fact of the matter is" that you "can not" even ask the right questions - let alone actually do this - without FIRST reading Hokes & spending time doing some research. (that's a period at the end of that sentence)

If new members have a problem with being told they need to do these two things - then they have no "real" interest in learning what they NEED to learn in which case I don't believe this is the place for them to be - & they can go back to the people producing youtube videos with incomplete &/or mis-information to ask the questions to their problems

To the question of how you go about moderating this forum Harold - it is my opinion that part of the reason this forum is the worlds best source of info about PM recovery & refining is due to the diligence &/or way in which you moderate --- the forum would not be the same without you & thank you for continuing to be a part of it :!:

I think there could be some free available topics for those who are professional miners, platers, buyer&sellers, chemistry students :mrgreen: or whatever and only want to ask a specific question without the claim to become a refiner.

Everything else would not suffer of being closed for quick-rapid-posting. I'd say, let 'em read two weeks first.

Your crusty, cantankerous, no holds barred methods are straightforward. Everyone who has been on the board for more than a couple of minutes and has read anything you have posted should be able to figure that out post haste.

I joined the board before there was much stress put on reading first before posting questions. Thankfully, everyone treated me extremely well, with courtesy and professionalism. I have studied Hoke, the forum, and other materials and still have more reading ahead of me. I can easily see why the rules are read first and ask questions later since most of the questions have been answered time and time again.

I once thought it would be nice if there was an area on the board where using AP would be spelled out in short, concise details. Sort of like a cook book. Start with what the process is used for and what it won't work for. List the necessities and the should have items. List the dangers and what can possibly go wrong and what to do if things do take a turn for the worse. Then expand the other processes such as AR, using a gold cell, inquarting, and quite a few of the other reactions and methods are all put out there with no discussion allowed. Just a tutorial on the most used methods. If after studying the method of choice one had questions, then they could direct those questions to the proper areas of the forum using the search function. Just that all the processes would be in one area.

Harold, if you ever want to take a run at the Presidency, you have all the support I could possibly muster. You and the other moderators and administrators have done a magnificent job here considering everything you have to deal with such as people with English as their non-native language, those with no knowledge of what they need to perform a given task to those who just need a little nudge to get things going right.
Harold, I for one, can never see your 'retirement' from this forum as being of benefit or a wise choice in any regard. You have been here since its inception and continue to advise and teach. Without you this forum would not be what it is today. Yes, sometimes you are gruff, but generally it is for good reason. I have found, in myself, with age, less tolerance for stupidity and the 'entitlement' attitude. Keep up the fine job that you do with MY full support for whatever that is worth. With all sincerity, John.
I pulled this(my) quote from a previous thread and I feel that it's still exactly how I feel about how you control this forum. Keep up the great job! If anyone doesn't like it......Don't let the door hit them in the rear on the way out!!!!!! :wink:
I have thought about this often with conflicting idea's on how to deal with those in question. When I first started here I had no source of nitric acid and ended up asking how to make my own. I had read Lazer Steve's post but was still a little confused at the time. I am grateful for butcher's help in the early days here, and the advice on making nitric. Having read many posts at the time I was some what concerned about asking any question, and some what surprised with the generous information concerning it. I have no problem with the way the board is run concerning those who want everything spoon fed to them. I feel the "one on one" approach is the way to deal with those who want to know "how to get rich quick", and assist those who approach it in a better manner, (Such as the help Solar Plasma is doing now). Having been here for a little while now, and trying to find information quite often at times, I can see why the gruffness is prevalent. Like wise, when what seems like the entire board jumps in with their individual responses it creates excess reading trying to find out if there is useful information left in the post somewhere. A warning or two from the members should suffice, then a moderator can deal with the offending person, it is the reason they are moderators. I say carry on with the way it had been done in the past.

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