rusty said:
dtectr said:
are there an dairies near you? Some of them had portable feed mills, some truck or PTO powered. they would use them to grind their own silage, which is chopped corn stalks, which is sprayed with molasses & allowed to ferment. my dad drove one when i was a child, and the hammers took the end of his finger off when he was trying to clear a jam.
anyway, very powerful hammer mills.
I think your confusing the silage chopper with the hammer mill, these are two completely different animals.
The silage chopper has knives affixed to the face of a rotary disc which also doubles up as the blower.
No, this was a portable feed mill that was attached to a truck frame - to a kid it looked almost like a cement truck.
they would drive to the farmers' feed lots & provide custom feed milling. If you wanted a mix with X5 protein, X% fodder,
& etc. they would feed the grain, supplements & fodder, usually straw or corn stalks into a chute with a conveyor - just inside the chute
was a series of hammers which would shred whatever feedstock you used for easier mixing further inside the mill. as i recall
(i was 5), you could set the degree of coarseness of the chop. The resulting mix was shot into the storage bin, combine-style.
i know it was hammers, as Dad tried to free some cornstalks which had jammed & he got too close to the hammers & one caught the very tip of his middle finger & whacked it off as neat as you please.
They may use something completely different now, like what you described at the dairies, esp. the big ones. I have not seen
another one of these mills since. They couldn't have been cheap to operate or maintain.