HCL/Bleech problems HELP!!

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Dec 20, 2012
Hey guys,

I started my gold recovery process about 3 days ago, and I am using the acid/ bleach method. I let the gold plated cards, fingers and processers, sit inside the solution for about 2-3 hrs. When I came back to check on progress I saw that the gold plated materials were stripped and gone and the copper under the gold remained. The solution however, had this black mud in it.

I read a forum that said that the black mud was gold and some other metals, and to make sure that it was just gold I needed to make a 2:1 HCL and bleach solution again and let it sit overnight.

*I did this, and am letting it dry now. Is this black mud really the gold, and if not how do i recover my gold???*

Any help on this would be great, as I didn’t see a post about this. I’m not to technical so go easy on me

Thanks and happy hunting,
You put all this in the one batch and used acid and bleach rather then acid and peroxide?
study the AP process more. you left out a major process. hcl/Cl is a refining process. you cant refine gold from electronics until you recover the gold from the base metal first. dissolve the other metals first and the dissolve the gold.
Ok, so what is the mud that I have?
I can see the copper on the pins and nothing on eles. Are you guys saying that the gold is somewhere else?

Where can i find the complete AP process to follow?
Moo said:
You put all this in the one batch and used acid and bleach rather then acid and peroxide?

Yes, I read a different fourm before i came here. and they said to make a solution of Acid/Cl and bring it to a slow boil. Which I did, and I got this black mud.

Let me try this from the top with a step by step of what i did.

I started a solution of HCL + H202 placed on low heat, in which i placed my gold plated peaces. From there I noticed the gold plating was gone and all i could see was the copper attached to the boards and black stuff floting around in the solution.

I then added CLOROX to the solution to ensure all other metals were gone.

Can anyone tell me what went wrong or point me to the right area.
how big of a solution do you have?
if small enuf i would suggest you to tranfer all you actual liquid and black powder in a separate beaker.than rince you material with water and also put that in the baker , than finish dissolving what you have with hcl/cl and put it in the same beaker as the 2 other.

you could dissolve evrything now but you take the risck to alow you gold to be cement on the copper between 2 fiberplate and than you will definitively loose that gold... by removing a much gold as you can now , you will loose gold but less...

if big use a bucket...
ericrm said:
how big of a solution do you have?
if small enuf i would suggest you to tranfer all you actual liquid and black powder in a separate beaker.than rince you material with water and also put that in the baker , than finish dissolving what you have with hcl/cl and put it in the same beaker as the 2 other.

you could dissolve evrything now but you take the risck to alow you gold to be cement on the copper between 2 fiberplate and than you will definitively loose that gold... by removing a much gold as you can now , you will loose gold but less...

if big use a bucket...


So is the black power the gold that i need to transfer and rince? I have the black power in coffie filters atm and have been rincing it.
the problem is that you also have black powder floting in solution it is just not visualy noticable. and yes that black powder is probaly your gold
ericrm said:
the problem is that you also have black powder floting in solution it is just not visualy noticable. and yes that black powder is probaly your gold

Thats true I do... So what I hve just done is take the Power and place it in a place where it can dry. I will now take the other materials that i have and wash them with water and make more Acid/Cl solution as you recomended to get the rest of the gold off. Then what do you recommend?
when you place electronics in hcl, whether you add H2O2 or Cl hardly makes a difference unless you keep adding the oxidizer continuously.in my opinion, what you seen was tin in solder dissolving and cementing out on the gold plating making it look like bare copper. that is a simplified explanation as gold does not cement tin from solution but trust me, that is whats happening. most,if not all, of your gold is still where it started out unless you dissolved the copper underneath the gold. when you add an oxidizer, it starts reacting with the metal thats the most reactive first and works its way down the scale to gold. any gold that did dissolve when you first added the oxidizer cemented back out on whatever base metal was exposed. remove a piece of your material and rinse it back into your solution. use a cloth to rub a contact spot that had gold plating and see if you find a gold color under the dark powder.

visit here and follow all the links. http://goldrefiningforum.com/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?p=6873#6873

also here is the AP process explained : http://goldrefiningforum.com/~goldrefi/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=52&t=12914
Geo said:
when you place electronics in hcl, whether you add H2O2 or Cl hardly makes a difference unless you keep adding the oxidizer continuously.in my opinion, what you seen was tin in solder dissolving and cementing out on the gold plating making it look like bare copper. that is a simplified explanation as gold does not cement tin from solution but trust me, that is whats happening. most,if not all, of your gold is still where it started out unless you dissolved the copper underneath the gold. when you add an oxidizer, it starts reacting with the metal thats the most reactive first and works its way down the scale to gold. any gold that did dissolve when you first added the oxidizer cemented back out on whatever base metal was exposed. remove a piece of your material and rinse it back into your solution. use a cloth to rub a contact spot that had gold plating and see if you find a gold color under the dark powder.

visit here and follow all the links. http://goldrefiningforum.com/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?p=6873#6873

also here is the AP process explained : http://goldrefiningforum.com/~goldrefi/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=52&t=12914

Thanks, after your post i checked and about 5% of the peaces have gold still on them. I scratched the copper on the other peaces and nothing was under them. So im gussing the gold is indeed the black powder i have.
confidentrf said:
ericrm said:
the problem is that you also have black powder floting in solution it is just not visualy noticable. and yes that black powder is probaly your gold

Thats true I do... So what I hve just done is take the Power and place it in a place where it can dry. I will now take the other materials that i have and wash them with water and make more Acid/Cl solution as you recomended to get the rest of the gold off. Then what do you recommend?

lol this is not exactly what i said

if geo is right and your only at the beginning (all the finger are there but are cover with a black subtance) do as geo said

if you already have dissolved finger (you dont have metal or only copper or nickel metal, where theyr is suposed to have gold metal)

remove the solution where you finger are and keep it on the side.
rince your finger vigouresly with water (do not trow that water) and put that water with the solution you removed before.

at this point you should have a filter with black powder(gold) + a green solution(gold bearing)+ a lighter green/blue (gold bearing)solution.

now you have finger with nothing
if it was me i would just add anew batch of hcl and oxydizer to dissolve everything that is still on your finger (to my opinion you already have screwed you batch so your just saving "les meubles"...)(you will endup with another gold bearing solution)
or you can just make a new batch of hydrocloric acid/hydrogene peroxide 3% and treat the rest like normal finger.

a picture could be good too

edited to give more detail
ericrm said:
confidentrf said:
ericrm said:
the problem is that you also have black powder floting in solution it is just not visualy noticable. and yes that black powder is probaly your gold

Thats true I do... So what I hve just done is take the Power and place it in a place where it can dry. I will now take the other materials that i have and wash them with water and make more Acid/Cl solution as you recomended to get the rest of the gold off. Then what do you recommend?

lol this is not exactly what i said

if geo is right and your only at the beginning (all the finger are there but are cover with a black subtance) do as geo said

if you already have dissolved finger (you dont have metal or only copper or nickel metal, where theyr is suposed to have gold metal)

remove the solution where you finger are and keep it on the side.
rince your finger vigouresly with water (do not trow that water) and put that water with the solution you removed before.

at this point you should have a filter with black powder + a green solution + a lighter green/blue solution.

now you have finger with nothing
if it was me i would just add oxydizer to dissolve everything that is still on your finger (to my opinion you already have screwed you batch so your just saving "les meubles"...)
or you can just make a new batch of hydrocloric acid/hydrogene peroxide 3% and treat the rest like normal finger .

a picture could be good too

ok ill post a pic gimmy a sec
The forst IMG has all of the gold gone and most of the copper. when i scratched the copper no gold was under it.122112181912.jpg
the sound card had gold under the green coating and is not there any more.

the second picture is a CPU that has no gold on it just copper. I did scratch it as well and nothing underneeth it. 0.jpg

The third picture is of wet Dust that was at the bottom of the solution that the other two (cpu, sound card) we in. 122012145503.jpg
damn that powder isnt gold , that powder is pretty much a mix of everything....

do not do anything that i told you ,it wont be of any help
did you have only 1 cpu and card in the acid?
ericrm said:
damn that powder isnt gold , that powder is pretty much a mix of everything....

do not do anything that i told you ,it wont be of any help
did you have only 1 cpu and card in the acid?

I had a mound of the gold fingers from alot of pci cards, and about 16 cpus in the solution and alot of other gold plated stuff.....

The funny thing is, i took the power to get tested at the pawn shop that gives me the cpus and he said it may have gold in it and something eles. or it may be pure gold.

but m a rookie and i woldnt know.

The other fingers and cpus look the same way... no gold only copper
to be honest all you have is a big mess...

as geo said when metal form salt in acidic solution the more reactive metal will replace the less reactive metal in the salt(cementing)look at reactivity serie in google .
ex: gold chloride + copper metal will push the gold out of solution as a metalic gold and do copper chloride as a salt

but what you have done i way worst than that
just to make it simpler for me let say...
you have on the cpu , finger and board gold silver copper lead tin nickel cobalt aluminium iron
so you have disolved a mix of those metal,wich in turn have cemented on some of those same metal,refraining the acid to atack some of those metal.
the bad part is i saw iron on your pic so your powder is made of everything under iron in the reactivity serie...

now as i told before those board have a copper layer under the solder mask that will trap your cementing gold

you just bought yourself a good lesson ,remove base metal first :|

i think your dog just died ... for the amount of time ,work and acid involve you will not be in the + side

if you see gold on the finger and cpu, or if you see chip remove them and put them on the side for the time you learn...
ericrm said:
to be honest all you have is a big mess...

as geo said when metal form salt in acidic solution the more reactive metal will replace the less reactive metal in the salt(cementing)look at reactivity serie in google .
ex: gold chloride + copper metal will push the gold out of solution as a metalic gold and do copper chloride as a salt

but what you have done i way worst than that
just to make it simpler for me let say...
you have on the cpu , finger and board gold silver copper lead tin nickel cobalt aluminium iron
so you have disolved a mix of those metal,wich in turn have cemented on some of those same metal,refraining the acid to atack some of those metal.
the bad part is i saw iron on your pic so your powder is made of everything under iron in the reactivity serie...

now as i told before those board have a copper layer under the solder mask that will trap your cementing gold

you just bought yourself a good lesson ,remove base metal first :|

i think your dog just died ... for the amount of time ,work and acid involve you will not be in the + side

if you see gold on the finger and cpu, or if you see chip remove them and put them on the side for the time you learn...


Thanks for your help... ill try harder next time.
ericrm said:
to be honest all you have is a big mess...

as geo said when metal form salt in acidic solution the more reactive metal will replace the less reactive metal in the salt(cementing)look at reactivity serie in google .
ex: gold chloride + copper metal will push the gold out of solution as a metalic gold and do copper chloride as a salt

but what you have done i way worst than that
just to make it simpler for me let say...
you have on the cpu , finger and board gold silver copper lead tin nickel cobalt aluminium iron
so you have disolved a mix of those metal,wich in turn have cemented on some of those same metal,refraining the acid to atack some of those metal.
the bad part is i saw iron on your pic so your powder is made of everything under iron in the reactivity serie...

now as i told before those board have a copper layer under the solder mask that will trap your cementing gold

you just bought yourself a good lesson ,remove base metal first :|

i think your dog just died ... for the amount of time ,work and acid involve you will not be in the + side

if you see gold on the finger and cpu, or if you see chip remove them and put them on the side for the time you learn...

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