HCL/Peroxide with whole boards

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Well-known member
Nov 2, 2008
So, I have been using HCl/Peroxide with fingers and decided to try a couple of server boards which had a good show of gold foil in addition to the usual spots.
After a day, the solution, which had been aerated, became "goopy". There is the bottom layer of silt, gold particles, usual goodies, a middle layer which is thick white sludge type material, and the top layer of water/HCl/Peroxide.
So, something on the boards reacted to make the sludge? Anyone experience this? I really like the HCl/Peroxide method and was testing what kind of other materials would work. Maybe whole boards aren't a good idea?


most people do not do whole boards because values what little they are can be lost in the sludge of tin lead and other metals like silver etcetera, you will need to retrieve your values from these metals, which is alot of work, but can be done to some extent.
Ok, won't do that again; So, any suggestions on how to proceed with the sludge? There's a good amount of gold showing, both on the bottom and in the sludge.
I I had an address to ship to, I'd send these boards to someone to process.
take washed sludge, dissolve in HCL/Bleach, warm solution, put liquid in jar(not any solids) let sit all night, decant filter, filtering tin can be difficult and will be sloooww and may need to be done in steps first one wet coffee filter, then refilter liquid again in three wet filters, boil solution to lower the oxidizer and acid level, adding few drops of sulfuric ( to help with lead later) add at least three times or more volumes of the water, this should start precipitating any silver and lead as the are both insoluble as chlorides let settle well then add some table salt to check for more white powder to fall out,best if cold outside,after settling overnight best, decant liquid and precipitate the gold from it,(which will need to be redisolved and refined again)
you can take the washed lead and silver solution and boil in water, seperate while the are hot as lead chloride is slightly soluble but silver is not when hot,
these will not be clean solutions, but will be more seperated, so it may take several treatments, and there will also be losses.