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Well-known member
Feb 13, 2011
Guys I'm so new to this I posted for help in the wrong place the otherday . About an hour after posting it I notice this place is where I should have posted that plea for help . I wish I could delete it so if anyone who can delete it would do so I'd appreachate that . I'd been reading on silver so much I jumped and posted it there .

I'm really not needing help as much as comments on what to expect . I've gathered this stuff for a long time now and am not in a hurry actually I'm in an experimental stage trying to learn a few things .

Currently I have 3 test tube size experiments going on with all three showing good promise .

Test A = 2.0 grams of a silver / copper mix where I ground off the silver plating . The grinding went fairly fast actually and I removed 5 ounces of the mix quite some time ago so I could sell the copper . I mixed 20 mL of the AP solution in with the 2.0 grams of the mix . Instantly it turned a greenish and the copper being attacked by the solution was turning black . In just about an hour it looks like it's removed a good deal of the copper leaving the silver behind for melting .

Q Any comments on how long it might take to remove all the copper would be great . Plus if anyone could comment on how many mL of AP to use per gram of a mix like this would be great also .

Test B = 2.8 grams of gold plated pins I removed from computers . I only mixed in 10 mL of the AP solution in test B . This stayed clear for a few minutes but was soon turning a yellowish green color . To my surprise it has a whitish substance falling to the bottom of the test tube .

Q Again if anyone knew how much AP to use per gram of pins that info would be great . Plus I was wondering if this whitish substance was copper .

Test C = a mastake I'm trying to learn from . I took about an ounce of the 52% Ag , 45% W and 3 % Mo and put this in a cell . This material was ground up also . I was still getting AgCl so I stopped running the cell , removed the plastic bottle that contained the shavings and just set them in a wash pan I had handy .

They set there several days by the time I dumped the stuff to clean and dry it . While doing this I noticed just being wet with the home made nitric solution that some had dissolved . So I took all the material and placed it in a crock pot and poured a couple inches of the used home made nitric in with it . I put the lid on this and cooked it on high over night .

The next morning I turned the crock pot off and let it cool off . I poured off the nitric or as much as I could and put this in a milk jug . Getting it all cleaned up I ended up mixing with water and ended up with one gallon of a yellowish / green solution . What remained in the bottom was a blackish gray color .

I put the black / gray stuff in a pop bottle and covered it again with home made nitric . I just let the water green nitric solution settle . Today this gallon was very clear with a greenish substance in the bottom . I placed 20mL in to a test tube I marked C . Then I took a copper wire , stripped it and put it in the test tube . In about an hour I had a silver looking button in the bottom of tube C 8) It's no way near pure I can see just a little black in with it but it looks like it could easily be 85 to 90% silver .

That probably doesn't sound like much to many of the more experienced . To me I see some light at the end of the tunnel and am starting to believe I might get this stuff seperated some day .

Still in no hurry I'm not ready to opperate full speed . Just trying to learn a process that works for me . Any comments would be appreachated . And I hope I put this in the proper place this time . My luck I'll post this and then see a page for experiments LOL

Edited to update about an experiment prior to A , B and C . The other day I desides to try heating my home made solution to see if that would get it dissolving the silver . Well it worked great and I thought I had it . However once that was complete and I added my urea I desided to try cementing the silver out .

To me surprise a black substance fell untill the solution was clear . I thought it was clear so it's finished and came in to read some . Later finding what I thought was silver had cemented out and was all mixed in with the black crap .

Today after setting a day or two I go to that jar needing to do something with it if nothing else dump it into my wash jug . To my surprise what I think is the silver was pulled together in a clump I could fish out with a spoon LOL . Even the small pieces that fell off was easy to move around untill they were a second glob and I spooned them out .

This leaves me a couple big questions . If this is my silver just how do I melt the stuff ?? Do i need to wash it ?? Do I need to use a flux ??

I'm not possitive it's silver theys no sparkle to it like they was when it first dropped . However it is a silver looking glob and Mo makes a black powder thats still in the jar . Plus I'm wanting to think that W also makes a black powder simply because theys only 3% Mo in the contacts and they was to much black for it all to be Mo .
The white stuff is likely tin, many pins base metals are phosphor bronze, 3.5 - 20% tin. Fortunately it will filter off if you avoid using/creating nitric.

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