Help! Friend wants to refine gold in his apartment...

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Palladium said:
Oh i'm serious. I've had my visit from the sheriff already. Made a good friend from that visit to. Come to find out one of the task force guys was into collecting gold and silver coins. 8)

I have had mine too, when I had the fire in my front yard over tv's. althrough he was cool about it and comes by on regular basis to chat and see what i'm doing. He has even brought me some scrap rings I brought.

With the meth problem these days neighbors take things very seriously and rightfully so. I am lucky I live on a five acre lot in my small town with no neighbors too close. But if people think your playing with chemicals they will call the law.
Cyanide is nasty stuff. You need a good chemistry background to understand how to use it properly and good equipment. Definitely not doable in an apartment. HCN will kill you instantly and goes through most gas mask cartridges.
This idea sounds bad all around. Tell your friend that if he insists on trying to recover/refine material to rent out a place far away from everyone. This way if he is intent on killing himself he does just that. Kills only himself. Sorry to be so macabre but that is the reality if he is going to jump into this feet first with no knowledge of anything. Especially with cyanide. Jeeesh.
I guess I can offer a little advice on this subject because I live in an apartment at the moment. Seeing as your "Friend" is just starting out he should first and foremost read everything he can about operating safely. He should get a copy of Hoke's book which can be found on this forum. He should study the book as much as he can. While studying the book he could slowly start to acquire some of the equipment he will need. Since in an apartment is not the right place to perform chemical experiments he could start collecting e-scrap that has PM content. Reading the topic "Where to find scrap” contained in this forum is very useful for this purpose. Just starting out it will take a while to collect enough scrap to make refining worthwhile anyways. While performing these time consuming task he could be looking for a place to perform his chemical experiments. Maybe a relative or friend that has some land or he should acquire his own land to do so. The most important part about being successful in any scientific experiment is not to half fast the experiment.

Best of luck,
If he doesn't listen to reason, it might be better for all if you report him. I would not want his neighbor's potential illness or injury on my conscience. When you live in an apartment, you have to think of others as well. If he is only being self-centered, he will not learn.
Lambskin said:
your "Friend"

Don't even... :roll:

Thanks though. All I'm really trying to do is get enough people here to confirm the conclusion I came to myself, that you should never do this in an apartment. When I told him I thought this before, it didn't seem to faze him on the idea so I knew I'd need some backup. Most likely I'll get him to respond here too, once I see him on Sunday.
One of my good friends is the head of the "D.I.C.E." team (Drug Interdiction) at our local Sheriff's office. He stopped by to say hello a few days ago and I showed him my lab. He told me he was glad I showed it to him because, at first glance, it looks very much like the meth labs he investigates regularly. (He did say I was better organized)

Many of the chemicals in my lab are also used in making meth and with the proximity of neighbors it is only a matter of time until he is called to investigate me.

I would rather have him see my setup this way than have him show up with the whole team, in full gear, responding to a tip from a concerned neighbor.

I can't imagine ever trying to do what we do in an apartment. A visit from law enforcement is virtually guaranteed.
Just to make a point. Go out and find a road kill or a dead fish or something similar and hide it on his balcony. :evil:

See who complains first, him or the neighbors. Hopefully he will smell it first from within his own apartment, and when he goes on the hunt as to where its coming from you could point out how fumes migrate. You could also point out how he may have been dead at this point, or maybe his neighbors two year old sleeping in his crib in the next apartment.

Let him try to justify that.


PS: :oops:
Personally I wouldn't have the balls to drop a dead fish on some ones balcony, but if thats what it took to change his thinking, I could change mine. What ever it takes to save the neighborhood.