help needed

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Hi and welcome
Read the forum hand books and download hokes book, you will find the answer for everything there, people here will help too but will need more information

You need to do more reading & learn the difference between the AP (HCl/H2O2) process & the AR (HCl/Nitric) process.

What type of material are you planning on processing?

Take care & be safe!

i am trying to get gold...ive done alot of reading of nothing but crap all i need to know is what ratios to mix and is it posable to get the gold out this way using maratic acid and proxide :?:
Where have you been reading? We need to know what you are trying to prosses to give you a awnser. Yes it will work, but it only works on certian types of scrap.
i am trying to retrive gold from circut boards ram card computers and anything that has it..i cant find a post on just the prosses steps that i can understand

Read the link above.
All I did to find that was type ap in the search box on the top right of the page.
UnKnOwEn:(4:20) said:
i am trying to get gold...ive done alot of reading of nothing but crap all i need to know is what ratios to mix

I'm also new here, trust me when I tell you to read the hands books or type guided tour in the search box and you will find everything your after


im not sure what to say about your post. i can assume that what you say you've read so far is crap came from some where else. be very careful about how you post things like this because it can also be assumed your saying everything you've read here is crap.

have you read Hoke's book? it is not crap. are aware of the dangers of working with acids? have you read the safety section? it is not crap. did you know the fumes from acid can kill you? are you doing this in your living room or are you doing it in your kitchen?

id suggest you dig deeper in the crap and read some of whats offered for free on the forum before you make your self or some family member sick.
Geo said:

im not sure what to say about your post. i can assume that what you say you've read so far is crap came from some where else. be very careful about how you post things like this because it can also be assumed your saying everything you've read here is crap.

have you read Hoke's book? it is not crap. are aware of the dangers of working with acids? have you read the safety section? it is not crap. did you know the fumes from acid can kill you? are you doing this in your living room or are you doing it in your kitchen?

id suggest you dig deeper in the crap and read some of whats offered for free on the forum before you make your self or some family member sick.

Unknown, listen to what this man is saying! He knows what he is talking about!!!!!
I must say that the composure shown here by the senior members is commendable. Your patients borders on sainthood.

After all I have been through, successes and failures and the hundreds of hours reading here, I am still a puppy nipping at the heels of the big dogs. Time and time again people pop in and want answers to questions that have been answered over and over without actually -learning- anything.

After all there are so many wannabe cooks, but few actually willing to put in hours in the kitchen. Well anyway thanks for being so patient- board members. Please don't harden up to those of us that are new, and that really want to learn this skillset and the art of refining.

As to the OP "unknown", the question you ask shows a total lack of the very basic fundamentals concerning recovering and refining precious metals. This attitude makes it hard to want to help. I have a hunch...change your name and become "known" .... Then read up. After that, if you have a question the knowledge you seek will readily flow in your direction, just a hunch.

I am not trying to be mean, just honest. Some of the people here have been doing this longer than you have been alive and they offer their knowledge up to us.... looking for nothing in return.

Just my humble .02 cents.
Now my puppy ass is going back to the drawing board as I try to figure out what I am going to do with my last batch that did not go as expected... AGAIN... lol

John S.

PS this hobby, art, business or what ever it is to you "Unknown 420", is hazardous. Keeping distraction free and paying close attention is a constant battle. I am assuming you are not refering to a biblical psalm when refering to 4:20 in your name. Rest assured, trying to refine without a clear head is.. well plain old dangerous.
UnKnOwEn:(4:20) said:
thank u verry helpful and stright fowered
A tip to the wise.
Text lingo is not acceptable on this forum. I do not take kindly to those who use it.
Spell check is your friend. Your message has errors, but it's not critical in that no one is at risk. If you post with that type of sloppiness when you are dealing with refining, you're not going to like the response you get from me. Please spend more time presenting yourself as if you actually went to school.

This forum offers readers information that is very difficult to find elsewhere---in particular because we tear to shreds anything that isn't constructive, or is misleading. For the opportunity for readers to have access to our efforts, we expect, in return, that they will be polite, treat others with respect, and use proper English (we make exceptions for those who do not use English as their first language).

Those who get their back up when confronted don't do well here. We are not a democracy---this forum is run by a strict code of behavior---with no one guaranteed access. It is a privilege for you to be here, not an entitlement. Please conform with our rules.

First of all you need to sort the scrap into different lots. You can't just throw everything together, pour some magic solution over it and get a Gold nugget. Each type of scrap needs to be processed separately. AR for some, AP for some, and maybe even electricity for some. The processes aren't something that can be given to you in a simple fix all paragraph, you are going to need to do some research. If you read and learn what you need to know BEFORE you start, you will have a lot more fun and a much better outcome. Don't use any chemicals in the house or inside of anywhere where the fumes can be breathed in or left to build up.
first off thanks all for replies im not being sarcastic to no one or try to be mister know it all im just tired of diiging throu pages and not finding what i want.. ive been a member for about a month and done nothing but reading and still so many pages to read with that said i have a base knowlage of the hazardes and fumes i am not doing this in my kitchen im smarter than that not much more but that seeking info from people who have done this prosses and how they got their best results for getting gold from motherboards and ect...
UnKnOwEn:(4:20) said:
first off thanks all for replies im not being sarcastic to no one or try to be mister know it all im just tired of diiging throu pages and not finding what i want.. ive been a member for about a month and done nothing but reading and still so many pages to read with that said i have a base knowlage of the hazardes and fumes i am not doing this in my kitchen im smarter than that not much more but that seeking info from people who have done this prosses and how they got their best results for getting gold from motherboards and ect...

this is not something that can be learned or taught in a short period of time. some of the members here have done this stuff for a large percentage of their lives. your expectations of what we can do for you are too high. all the things you are asking for is here, it has been written about in many different places on the forum. the fact that you cant find it means you do not know how to look for it. for example, if you had read Hoke's book, you would have already done the simple reactions and would be acquainted with the processes to safely remove the gold from a motherboard or any other piece of scrap and would be asking questions about precipitating and melting instead of the most basic reactions. i will help you all i can, and ive already spent WAY too much time explaining all this. but you have to do your part and learn the basics first, if you dont do that then im afraid you wont get much help. im sorry.
Hi Unknown!
Your post said something like "all i need to know is how to get the gold out...."
It's just my opinion! No! all you need right now is to learn refining and learn about the materials you intend to recover gold from, and there are other metals in them that have value, also, study how other members process verious components before you start dumping stuff into acids.
I've been here for almost two years, I'm producing quality gold now.
This would not have been posible without the help I got from Geo, Steve, Herold and others and the tremendous amout of info contained in the reading material and posts here on this forum. I'm only now really starting to understand what I'm doing.
The main reason I jumped in here is when you spoke of "motherboards"
I'have only worked on fingers,some plated pins and other small components and much of my motive is not mainly to recover gold but to learn and aquire experience with what's going on inside my reaction vessel! even after all this time I am not at the point of being able to refine a motherboard. That is why I'm in the process of loading all the stuff that's beond my skill level on the truck and trailer and am heading to see Chris at Boardsort in Ohio.
Step back and do as you learn lest your efforts end in frustration and a mess! Afterall! Your goal is to become a skilled refiner of your material.
Welcome and enjoy!

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