
Gold Refining Forum

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Rhodium is found in various forms and various rock types. Most is mined from sulphide ore but there are ores with decent amounts of rhodium in the ore. You can find pgms in most black sands as well. Xrf don’t error as much as people think especially the good xrf. Xrf excite the sample and give pretty good accurate results as long as they are a good xrf that has the mining mode.
I do not think there are Rhodium ores per se, it is always a by product from either other PGMs, Nickel or Copper mining.
Rhodium is one of the rarest Metals on earth.
Welcome to us.
There is not such thing as raw Rhodium.
Even Rhodium ore is not a thing, Rhodium is mined as a by product from Nickel and Platinum mining.
Do you have a NiS assay?
That is practically the only way of being sure what you have regarding PGM metals.
How was the test done at the University?
Their is such thing as rhodium ore, the ore is zirconium, rhodium will be present with low percent of silver low percent of gold high percent rhodium high percent mid percent titanium my d percent palladium mid percent colbolt. It will be with the UM group, an it's in a cristaline raw form pretty much a diamond ore,
Their is such thing as rhodium ore, the ore is zirconium, rhodium will be present with low percent of silver low percent of gold high percent rhodium high percent mid percent titanium my d percent palladium mid percent colbolt. It will be with the UM group, an it's in a cristaline raw form pretty much a diamond ore,
Welcome to us.

Zirconium ore is mostly Zirconia ZrO2, it has nothing to do with Rhodium ore.
Rhodium are present in many ores but not in amounts sufficient to call it Rhodium ores.
Most of the time it is in Nickel or Platinum ores.
There is a rare mineral called Rhodite which is a natural Gold/Rhodium alloy with as much as 40% Rhodium.
Silver has very low solubility of Rhodium.
Silver ware have at times been Rhodium plated to stop tarnishing.

Here are some links for you:

We ask our new members to do 3 things.
1. Read C.M. Hokes book on refining jewelers scrap, it gives an easy introduction to the most important chemistry regarding refining.
It is free here on the forum:
2. Then read the safety section of the forum:
3. And then read about "Dealing with waste" in the forum:

Suggested reading:

Forum rules is here.

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Hello good morning guys
Judging any rocks by pictures is quite difficult
because We cannot see all the details

I will post a very interesting Rivers rock that i was found it in a dry wash in Northwestern Nevada.

it caught my attention the heavy that rock it is compared to others rocks around there.

and it’s appears to have pyrite ,But and is always the word “but” that make the difference.

the thing that appears to be Pyrite.
it’s silvery and the it structure it was very different than Pyrite structure.

So my interest kick back to me and i took it few of those rocks ,mark the position where i found it,for future reference .

I took it home put in under a high definition microscope
and i found lot of microscopic gold in all the rocks.

that silvery thing that i was think it was pyrite.

Is Telluride .

is always a very good idea,whe any one go on prospecting is to bring a microscope or a jewelry loupe.

because many of us make the mistake of confusing some minerals with some kind of sulfide like Pyrite.

and many rocks with some potential it have been throwing away with out checking out first.

like many times old timers do,because at their time it was difficult to extract gold from those rocks.

If you want to know what really is in Your rocks?.
crusher and sen it to a lab.

Here are the pictures of one of the river rocks that I bring home .
the blue mark is where i notice the gold.


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