Just for the sake of sanity, I created a new small batch of stannous chloride test... results are still negative.
That light orange spot disappeared after some agitation of the spoon.
I thought to myself... well, stannous chloride test is basically HCl and tin... so what if I just added some HCl (20% is what I’ve got)?
Seems like the color lightened a little, as if it was just diluted by the HCl. So, summary so far...
<> Purple solution + hydrogen peroxide -> deep orange solution
<> Deep orange solution + stannous chloride -> clear light blue solution
<> Deep orange solution + HCl -> looks simply diluted
<> Purple solution + HCl -> looks simply diluted
Hi butcher, thanks for your reply.
butcher said:
The stannous chloride cannot test for colloidal gold, because the gold in colloidal form is already a metal in suspension.
I suspect that you are looking at a solution full of base metal ions (with iron in the mix)...
Shining a light through the solution is one way to detect colloids in solution (Tyndall effect).
Hoke's page 100 would be a good place to further your test on the solution...
I actually knew about the first part in my quote of your reply. :mrgreen:
The second part... “solution full of base metal ions”... I’m starting to incline towards... even adding HCl to the purple solution didn’t seem to produce any changes other than dilution.
Tyndall Effect... I’ve already tried looking at the purple solution under different light sources in the workshop; I even brought it into the house. It’s nighttime here, so I’ll have to wait until daytime for the complete spectrum... thanks for this tip though.
You mentioned page 100 of Hoke’s... unfortunately the only ammonia I have is in a drain cleaner, but though its pH tested basic and it
smells like ammonia, there’s also a whiff of other stuff in there like fragrances or something.
I also don’t have DMG... and potassium/ammonium thiocyanate? Are those things I should be scared of?

I mean, whenever u see or hear the word “cyan” when used in the context of chemistry, I kinda get scared. That is, despite their MSDSs seemingly indicating them sorta safe unless swallowed or used as eye dropper fluid...
Thanks for your reply. At this point I’m less inclined to believe that there’s anything really valuable in that purple solution. But I’m going to see if I can understand the color changes. Hoke’s suggested glow test seems interesting, but it almost seems such a pity to evaporate all the purple liquid.

And what if the whole thing just evaporated without leaving any residue... that’d kill an opportunity so to speak, and I’d only wanna try that as a last resort.
I’m feeling less and less able to concentrate. Maybe I should lay off the chemicals for tonight and get some sleep.