How much SMB should I add?

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New member
May 27, 2024
I have approximately 1kg of PC2 RAM with IC Chips embedded on both sides.
I sliced gold fingers and separated IC Chips.
I created Aqua Regia with 375ml of Hydrochloric Acid. and 125ml of Nitric Acid for melting the gold fingers.
A day after, I filtered the Aqua Regia and added around 20g of smb. I added 20g of smb because all the videos I referred to
added a few spoonful of smb during their gold recovery processes.
After further researching about the amount of smb I should add, I found out that in order to recovery 2g of gold out of it, I should only add 1g of smb.
I am a bit confused now. Exactly how much of smb should I add during the process?
I would appreciate your help a lot.
Thank you.
You haven't denoxxed the solution from what I can see and you have used way too much Nitric. That's your first problem and it's a big one. What do you understand about denoxxing and how to do it?

As for the SMB (which will be your next step after sorting out all that Nitric.
The short answer is enough to drop all of your gold. When you've got a negative stannous test then you're good.
Don't overload it- start with a teaspoon.
Some people talk about 1g per gramme of gold but that doesn't make any allowances for other factors such as temperature, impurities, residual Nitric (if any.)
I have approximately 1kg of PC2 RAM with IC Chips embedded on both sides.
I sliced gold fingers and separated IC Chips.
I created Aqua Regia with 375ml of Hydrochloric Acid. and 125ml of Nitric Acid for melting the gold fingers.
A day after, I filtered the Aqua Regia and added around 20g of smb. I added 20g of smb because all the videos I referred to
added a few spoonful of smb during their gold recovery processes.
After further researching about the amount of smb I should add, I found out that in order to recovery 2g of gold out of it, I should only add 1g of smb.
I am a bit confused now. Exactly how much of smb should I add during the process?
I would appreciate your help a lot.
Thank you.
Welcome to us.
As Anachronism says.
You used way too much Nitric and now you need to somehow get rid of that,
you added enough Nitric to dissolve more than 100g of Gold.
Additionally you created a mess by not dissolving the substrate in either Nitric or Copper Chloride etch.

You need to study more and please get your "language" right.
Melting is heating until it is liquid.
Dissolving is the word you should have used.

By the way, usually most of the Gold is inside the Chips.

Here is for your studies:

We ask our new members to do 3 things.
1. Read C.M. Hokes book on refining jewelers scrap, it gives an easy introduction to the most important chemistry regarding refining.
It is free here on the forum:
2. Then read the safety section of the forum:
3. And then read about "Dealing with waste" in the forum:

Suggested reading:

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