How to get the most PM'S out of every batch

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Well-known member
Dec 26, 2008
North Carolina
I wanted to see if anybody could help clarifie the thoughts in my head, I have read so much here and watched so many videos on steves site that all the info kinda melts together a little. I just wanted to know if I got this right and if not what are the propper steps to get all the PM'S from every batch

1:AP get gold foils put in into HCL-CL to make AU-CL3 put aside

2:take leftover solution and us a piece of copper to force any more gold as black sludge/slime then put said black stuff into HCL-CL to make more AU-CL3 combine with other that was put aside and use SMB to precip.

3:at this point what do you do with the remaining solution to get out any
other metals like silver, PD, PT, ECT.
Gold colored fingers are usually just gold on copper with maybe a layer of nickel between. You can test for other PMs but it would be unusual to find any. That is why the are saved and run separately.

If you are careful with the peroxide there should be very little gold in solution. Again test the solution and skip the copper if none is found. Your AP can be used again on another batch of fingers until it will take no more copper.
Thanks qst42know
Now if I can just rember this, their is allot to rember when starting out, its staggering but Its getting better by the day.

If you had any PGMs in the AP, the copper saturation should force them out in the black powder along with the gold since copper is above all the noble metals and silver in the activity chart.

So then the Best way would be a test and if its positive then run a piece of copper and refine the black powder accordinly?

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