How to refining gold aqua on the rock!!

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New member
May 14, 2011
i have problem to collect gold on the rock any one can help me out?

is very fine just a layer of gold aqua on the rock.


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I don't believe my eyes :roll:
Joined today 2.28 fired off 2.35. 7 minutes - clearly enough to locate help needed section.
What is gold aqua?
My answer is take deep breath and read :!:
I could be wrong but that does not look like gold.That looks like just plain iron oxide.
Hello Shatool
The photos are a little grainy ,and sometimes gold
doesn't show well in the ore ,with photos.
It does look like iron stain reflecting on the quartz.
But just in case ,crush the rock to 300 mesh or powder
then pan it. If it really is gold it will separate in a pan.

I don't think English is Shatool's first language. Aqua
gold is an expression for a thin stain like gold layer .
Thank you for your feedback.

The goldsmith confirmed this is a aqua gold with 96%.

I have tried crushing the rock for panning but the gold is too fine that it cannot be separate out from the rock.

I have also tried using oxyfire to burn the rock,crushed them to 300 mesh.Multiple ultra-tiny golds can be seen with a 60x magnifying glass.

Is there a better way???

Pardon me for my english, as it is not my mother language
Hi Shatool
Now that it has been confirmed that it is gold,
you will still have to crush the ore and leach the
I am not a refiner,but I bet some of these other
fellows ,can help you with a leaching process.

That is some pretty ore,Good luck with your
If it were me I would go with a thio leach.But iodine, would work also.
Did the person that tested it,give you any kind of yield estimates?
shatool said:
The goldsmith confirmed this is a aqua gold with 96%.
I don't believe it is. How was the determination made? Even goldsmiths have been known to make mistakes. The yellow that is apparent doesn't look like any gold I've ever seen. That's not to suggest that there may not be gold included, but the material I see on the surface is certainly suspect.

I would suggest having your samples checked out by a competent assayer (as opposed to a goldsmith) before you worry too much about how to extract the gold, if any is there.
It’s not possible to tell from the colors in the picture whether gold is present. The colors of the stains put me in mind of the iron staining around the quartz veins at the Cerro Aguascalientes mine in Peru – pictured on the USGS website. The gold in that deposit assays from 0.001 to 0.5 parts per million. That’s under a half gram per ton at the highest level of concentration, if my math is correct.
Militoy you are right,the rock showing on
is same as my rock.
shatool said:
Militoy you are right,the rock showing on
is same as my rock.

Shatool - since your profile indicates you are located in Malaysia, and not in Peru - I have to assume that the rocks you have posted photos of are from Southeast Asia - as opposed to from Cerro Aguascalientes, which is in South America.

I believe you mean to say that the rocks pictured in the USGS site look like your rocks. They may very well be similar in composition. But yours may contain more or less gold than the miniscule amount found in the copper ore in Cerro Aguascalientes. The point of my reply was to advise you to seek an opinion from a professional assayer.

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