Hydrogen Peroxide

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Well-known member
Sep 26, 2007
Wakefield, England
Hi Folks,

I'm going to process a batch of fingers in AP as in Steves video.
The peroxide i have is 6% and i believe Steve uses 3%?

Can i use standard water to dilute or would distilled be required?
Could i just use 6% on its own?

Thanks in advance


It shouldn't matter either way. You can just add 1/2 the volume of the 6%peroxide if you want to stick to the recipie (i.e.:4 parts HCl to 1 part 6% H2O2 = 2 parts HCl to 1 part 3% H2O2).

Hi Steve,

That's great, thanks for the info.

I meant to ask earlier, does it matter if you mix ISA, PCI and AGP fingers together or is it best to process them seperately?

Kind Regards

It really doesn't matter unless you are trying to compile yield data for a particular type of finger. The only other posssible reason to sort them is that some fingers etch slower than others and you will end up with some partially etched fingers in a mixed batch.

I'm sure this has been mentioned before, but if you just do small scale refining and need H2O2, you can get Baquacil (that's the name I believe) Pool Shock from any pool supply house. It's 27.5% H2O2, stabilized. Remember to wear goggles, gloves and old clothes!
Hello Lou,
No, as far as I know, it haven't been mentioned before where to get hydrogen peroxide from that concentration as a commercial product.
Thanks for the input !
Glad to make a contribution, I hope to detail some of the things I've done with precious metals. I found out about this forum through another forum (backyardmetalcasting.com) from a new member there, Harold. It seems he is quite prolific here, and I am glad he recommended me to this forum.

Louis :D
I tried to register a few time to backyardmetalcasting forum but the admin never activate my account lol... I hope he will soon.
Yes, it's increasingly hard to get in there. I know both admins there. I can forward them an email from you if you'd like?
Very good contribution, Lou, about the peroxide. I've been pushing for stronger H2O2 since I got here. It's always seemed foolish to use 3% (97% water) because the addition of so much water slows the reaction to a crawl. With 27.5%, you only use approx. 1/9 as much water. I have always used 30% or 35% but, 27.5% is close enough. The main problem has been where to get it. Were I to use HCl/H2O2, I would use HCl full strength and a drip system for the strong peroxide, using agitation to constantly balance the peroxide in the solution.

And, small additions of strong H2O2 will jack up most dissolving reactions.
goldsilverpro said:
Very good contribution, Lou, about the peroxide. I've been pushing for stronger H2O2 since I got here. It's always seemed foolish to use 3% (97% water) because the addition of so much water slows the reaction to a crawl. With 27.5%, you only use approx. 1/9 as much water. I have always used 30% or 35% but, 27.5% is close enough. The main problem has been where to get it. Were I to use HCl/H2O2, I would use HCl full strength and a drip system for the strong peroxide, using agitation to constantly balance the peroxide in the solution.

And, small additions of strong H2O2 will jack up most dissolving reactions.

That's a very good point about adding more water than needed. More water is more to boil down and dispose of as well as having a slower reaction. Time and energy is money out of your pocket.
Amen! Too much water can really be a pain. This stuff is available at all the pool supply houses I've tried (about 4 of them in my area) and it's pretty common stuff. It costs about $12-16 per gallon, depending on who's selling.

This is quite nice for taking care of large volumes, a Buchi rotary evaporator. It works by making a lot of surface area for the volatiles to evaporate (done by spinning the distilling flask in a hot water or hot oil bath). I started with 800mL of my Pd solution (about 101g pure metal dissolved there) and after 15 minutes of that, I was down to about 300mL of nitric-free syrup.
About $5400 new, but they can be had for a tenth of that on ebay.

Same is true of that flask in the background, new probably around $7800, on ebay (if you see one) about $780.

Did I mention that I sell glassware?
Had a look on Sigma_Aldrich site, here's what I found:

vapor density 1 (vs air)
vapor pressure 23.3 mm Hg ( 30 °C)
assay 99.999% (metals basis)
contains stabilizer
concentration 30-32 wt. % in water, semiconductor grade
density 1.11 g/mL at 25 °C
3.7 L $180.00 Can

Dunno if this will help, or if its the right grade.Certainly cheaper than the reagent price.

Cheers.... Stu
Hello to all your helpfull guys!

First to Lou : send me your pricelist!

Secondly to Steve: As I told in my mail to you, I was afraid of the fumes: I intended to use HNO3 + 3HCL and was scared of all the NOXX'es.
You said that you use Acid Peroxide in recovering AU from CPU's. Not only AP ???
I found a patent my self: http://www.freepatentsonline.com/6649070.html

I intend to recover in small scale : 0.5 kilos of 286-386 Intel chrushed CPU's at a time. Could anyone give me the exact recipies of chemicals needed.
I'll purchase your DVD tomorrow. Can I pay and downlod the complete DVD on my high-speed PC?
I'am surfing around on this forum : learning a lot, but confused somtimes too. Thank you from a ritired engeneer from Norway.

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