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Chemical IC chip process without sulfuric acid

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Hello Kurt,
first thanks for all the work u put in here :)
I cant get ammonia,potassium,sodium nitrates or any products with could be used for explosives. Its really just HCl/H2O2/Bleach. There is even just one bleach brand that contains it. I looked into making it from air with a lightning generator to break uf the nitrogen & oxygen in the air to make NO2. And further reacts with water to HNO3. It runs on 40W i think. Its from Codyslab:

It seems like its strong enough to dissolve a penny? Could this be used for any good AquaRegia?

Im really disapointed at this point beacause I probably will have to use such methodes.

Man, your country is insanely paranoid. Your government must be TERRIFIED of it's people. You go to some African countries, and people are just walking around with full autos slung over their shoulders and no one even thinks twice about it.

Plus, there are explosives you can make with bleach anyway! (tomorrow, your country bans bleach) Huh... explosives can be made from water? (water = BANNED!) Oh my... o______o
I cant get ammonia,potassium,sodium nitrates or any products with could be used for explosives. Its really just HCl/H2O2/Bleach. There is even just one bleach brand that contains it.

Hi GoldUser,

To make usable quality nitric acid (if you need nitric acid) you need concentrated sulfuric acid (see Nurdrage video). If you cannot buy 96-97% sulfuric acid because of the regulations, buy 37% electrolite which is used to rejuvenate car batteries, and you can find it at almost any car parts selling shops and even in some supermarkets.(at least in my country it is so)
To concentrate it use an aquarium heater (gets only up about 50-60C) to evaporate the water and concentrate the acid. The aquarium heater has to be the one which is incased in glass.
For ammonium nitrate buy Instant Ice packs (costs up to 5Euro/100gr) which u can find on almost any online store since it is a medical device therefor is legal to buy for anyone.
Rules can be bent if you really want that...but in my opinion ...safety first..

Be safe,



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what would happen with the fine metal particles covered with gold after that if there are any? Thanks
Hello Kurt,
first thanks for all the work u put in here :)
I cant get ammonia,potassium,sodium nitrates or any products with could be used for explosives. Its really just HCl/H2O2/Bleach. There is even just one bleach brand that contains it. I looked into making it from air with a lightning generator to break uf the nitrogen & oxygen in the air to make NO2. And further reacts with water to HNO3. It runs on 40W i think. Its from Codyslab:

It seems like its strong enough to dissolve a penny? Could this be used for any good AquaRegia?

Im really disapointed at this point beacause I probably will have to use such methodes.

As I am from neighboring country, I feel this. But here, you can buy ammonium nitrate fertilizer. Cheap, like few euros per 5 kg and it is practically ammonium nitrate mixed with dolomite. You need to dissolve it in water and filter - evaporation of the solution will give you ammonium nitrate cheaply.

I won´t personally go with air arc NO2 making. Low efficiency and energy consumpttion is insane. But if you have access to electricity for free, it is a way how to do it.

Do not buy bleach, very diluted. Search for shock pool chlorine - search brands containing calcium hypochlorite. It is in the form of granulated powder. Be aware of chlorine, unforgiving and toxic gas. When using it, always have the vessel covered, because chlorine tend to escape from solutions. Good way is to dissolve hypochlorite in water and deliver it as strong solution through the tube under the surface of the solution - it saves the chlorine evolved.
If you cannot buy 96-97% sulfuric acid because of the regulations, buy 37% electrolite which is used to rejuvenate car batteries, and you can find it at almost any car parts selling shops and even in some supermarkets.(at least in my country it is so)
In the EU, it's forbidden to sell sulfuric acid (including 37% electrolite) to private persons since February 2021.
If the OP cant get nitric in Vienna all they need to do is to pop in north to slovakia and get few bottles in any hardware shop.
Or if have a friend who have a company, ask if can use their business ID to buy acids. I'm under the same EU regulations. Consumers can't even buy battery acid. So, i use my sister's company business ID when buying acids. Also, thinking of collecting nitric from the fumes and waste.
If the OP cant get nitric in Vienna all they need to do is to pop in north to slovakia and get few bottles in any hardware shop.
No chance, nitric sale for general public is also prohibited in Slovakia. Together with hydrogen peroxide >3%, sulfuric acid generally... Chlorates, perchlorates, permanganates... All of the good stuff :(
Wow here in the USA you can buy Virgin Sulfuric Acid at Walmart as a drain cleaner.
The price is a bit high verse buying at a acid supply house, but it is clear unlike the brown stuff they sell at most Home Depots.
Nurdrage on YouTube also has a video on how to make nitric acid by using sodium bisulfate (for adjusting Ph in swimming pools) and a nitrate salt. I found it an interesting video, but I have never made it by this method. Hopefully someone here with more experience can comment on the efficacy of this method.

If this method is viable and someone wants to try it... make sure you are fully educated on safety for distillation. This stuff is probably just as dangerous as sulfuric acid at those temperatures and at minimum will scar you for life.
In the EU, it's forbidden to sell sulfuric acid (including 37% electrolite) to private persons since February 2021.
What I am about to write here is just some ideas for you to understand the diversity of your supply sources and not a recommendation, since you can get hurt if you do something wrong...please note that!

I dont know what is the regulation in Germany, but where I live, I buy electrolite legally from auto part supply shops for 2 euros/l which gives me 1l (from 4 l of electrolite) of 97% for arount 8 euro. And I also live in an EU country....sounds like the word didn`t get to us yet... :)))

Another source could be, car repair shops and junkyards where they collect car batteries....you could get some acid from collecting it from batteries..(safety, safety, safety) of course if you can find a junkyard that is allowing you to collect it....or you can buy used car batteries, collect the acid and sell the battery to the junkyard to recover your money. (safety, safety,safety)

You can produce your own sulfuric acid by combining SO2 solution (sold by the liter at Vine supply shops) with Hydrogen Peroxide (3%, you can buy by the liter since is a medical supply for healthcare industry)...allthough it will give you an unknown concentration acid and is pretty hazardous (a vigurous exotermic reaction, the vessel will get real hot real quick so plastic is out of the question) if you dont know yourself around chemistry...(...i have tried it out of curiosity but never again...)...and again if you try this....then ONLY outside, equipped with mask and way far from the reaction...SAFETY first.

I know that there are quite a few refiners in Germany, find a facebook group where the hang out and ask for their source of acid, i presume they will help gladly.

Sorry for the long comment.

Be safe

What I am about to write here is just some ideas for you to understand the diversity of your supply sources and not a recommendation, since you can get hurt if you do something wrong...please note that!

I dont know what is the regulation in Germany, but where I live, I buy electrolite legally from auto part supply shops for 2 euros/l which gives me 1l (from 4 l of electrolite) of 97% for arount 8 euro. And I also live in an EU country....sounds like the word didn`t get to us yet... :)))

Another source could be, car repair shops and junkyards where they collect car batteries....you could get some acid from collecting it from batteries..(safety, safety, safety) of course if you can find a junkyard that is allowing you to collect it....or you can buy used car batteries, collect the acid and sell the battery to the junkyard to recover your money. (safety, safety,safety)

You can produce your own sulfuric acid by combining SO2 solution (sold by the liter at Vine supply shops) with Hydrogen Peroxide (3%, you can buy by the liter since is a medical supply for healthcare industry)...allthough it will give you an unknown concentration acid and is pretty hazardous (a vigurous exotermic reaction, the vessel will get real hot real quick so plastic is out of the question) if you dont know yourself around chemistry...(...i have tried it out of curiosity but never again...)...and again if you try this....then ONLY outside, equipped with mask and way far from the reaction...SAFETY first.

I know that there are quite a few refiners in Germany, find a facebook group where the hang out and ask for their source of acid, i presume they will help gladly.

Sorry for the long comment.

Be safe

Here, all kinds of sulfuric acid are banned now. You cannot even purchase batterry acid. Ridiculous how they slowly wipe out all the chemicals from ordinary people. Some time ago, I was able to purchase sulfuric acid drain cleaner for few euros... Now ? I will drain old car batteries in a junkyard in a few months... All nitric is banned, peroxide is banned... Only way how to deal with it is to register as company and buy with business license... Which I cannot achieve here. End of my refining is certainly approaching.
Here, all kinds of sulfuric acid are banned now. You cannot even purchase batterry acid. Ridiculous how they slowly wipe out all the chemicals from ordinary people. Some time ago, I was able to purchase sulfuric acid drain cleaner for few euros... Now ? I will drain old car batteries in a junkyard in a few months... All nitric is banned, peroxide is banned... Only way how to deal with it is to register as company and buy with business license... Which I cannot achieve here. End of my refining is certainly approaching.
It's very sad,i do not understand the reasons of all these restrictions. For sure not to reduce terrorist activities
It's very sad,i do not understand the reasons of all these restrictions. For sure not to reduce terrorist activities
Exactly. If you want to construct a bomb, you will do it despite all restricted chemicals. I dont want to get too political or angry, but with ammounts of weapons "lost" all around the world in various conflicts, some sad liter of nitric will barely make a dent in any "bomb making". Not mentioning the sulfuric acid... How it is supposed to be dangerous for the society ?

It is a ridiculous system. I am an organic chemist. Quite a bit of chemicals are restricted because of hazardous nature, and good portion because they are precursors for manufacture of drugs. For example, acetic anhydride is banned, because morphine is acetylated with it to form heroin. Legit, I agree, good regulation. Anyway, acetyl chloride isn´t restricted.. And if you first pour acetic acid (which isn´t restricted of course) to the vessel and then acetyl chloride, you will make acetanhydride in 5 minutes - and extra pure.
Same story with percusion weapons here. You need a license based on psychotests, examination of you "shooting skills" etc. to legally possess a gun here. Legit, I agree, good legislation. On the other hand, from age 18, you can LEGALLY posses percusion firearms, without ANY skill testing, basic safety tests or psychotests, and you can LEGALLY buy gunpowder in the store with your ID. Same gunpowder you can use to make explosives... You do not even need that banned nitric or sulfuric. You purchase it right away. Not speaking about flashopwder in fireworks :D strange century...
What I am about to write here is just some ideas for you to understand the diversity of your supply sources and not a recommendation, since you can get hurt if you do something wrong...please note that!

I dont know what is the regulation in Germany, but where I live, I buy electrolite legally from auto part supply shops for 2 euros/l which gives me 1l (from 4 l of electrolite) of 97% for arount 8 euro. And I also live in an EU country....sounds like the word didn`t get to us yet... :)))

Another source could be, car repair shops and junkyards where they collect car batteries....you could get some acid from collecting it from batteries..(safety, safety, safety) of course if you can find a junkyard that is allowing you to collect it....or you can buy used car batteries, collect the acid and sell the battery to the junkyard to recover your money. (safety, safety,safety)

You can produce your own sulfuric acid by combining SO2 solution (sold by the liter at Vine supply shops) with Hydrogen Peroxide (3%, you can buy by the liter since is a medical supply for healthcare industry)...allthough it will give you an unknown concentration acid and is pretty hazardous (a vigurous exotermic reaction, the vessel will get real hot real quick so plastic is out of the question) if you dont know yourself around chemistry...(...i have tried it out of curiosity but never again...)...and again if you try this....then ONLY outside, equipped with mask and way far from the reaction...SAFETY first.

I know that there are quite a few refiners in Germany, find a facebook group where the hang out and ask for their source of acid, i presume they will help gladly.

Sorry for the long comment.

Be safe

Thanks very much.
I will try that
Exactly. If you want to construct a bomb, you will do it despite all restricted chemicals. I dont want to get too political or angry, but with ammounts of weapons "lost" all around the world in various conflicts, some sad liter of nitric will barely make a dent in any "bomb making". Not mentioning the sulfuric acid... How it is supposed to be dangerous for the society ?

It is a ridiculous system. I am an organic chemist. Quite a bit of chemicals are restricted because of hazardous nature, and good portion because they are precursors for manufacture of drugs. For example, acetic anhydride is banned, because morphine is acetylated with it to form heroin. Legit, I agree, good regulation. Anyway, acetyl chloride isn´t restricted.. And if you first pour acetic acid (which isn´t restricted of course) to the vessel and then acetyl chloride, you will make acetanhydride in 5 minutes - and extra pure.
Same story with percusion weapons here. You need a license based on psychotests, examination of you "shooting skills" etc. to legally possess a gun here. Legit, I agree, good legislation. On the other hand, from age 18, you can LEGALLY posses percusion firearms, without ANY skill testing, basic safety tests or psychotests, and you can LEGALLY buy gunpowder in the store with your ID. Same gunpowder you can use to make explosives... You do not even need that banned nitric or sulfuric. You purchase it right away. Not speaking about flashopwder in fireworks :D strange century...
I dont know what the goverment/EU is thinking but it kind of makes no sense. I cant even buy battery electrolyte becuase its illegal for a year now. Is there any product that contains dilluted sulfuric acid/nitric acid? Or any products with useful nitrates?
Man, your country is insanely paranoid. Your government must be TERRIFIED of it's people. You go to some African countries, and people are just walking around with full autos slung over their shoulders and no one even thinks twice about it.

Plus, there are explosives you can make with bleach anyway! (tomorrow, your country bans bleach) Huh... explosives can be made from water? (water = BANNED!) Oh my... o______o
bleach is kindof banned already. There are 30 brands and only 1 with sodium hypochlorite in it. I search for some time to get it.
bleach is kindof banned already. There are 30 brands and only 1 with sodium hypochlorite in it. I search for some time to get it.

Uhh...i have just remembered that i have bought HCl (20%) from Hungary for 1 euro per liter from Praktiker store in Zalaegerszeg while i was on holiday last year, also bought some drain cleaner sulfuric.....had no problem when clearing customs...i bought like 5l from each...you can also find electrolite in auto parts selling shops.

You could try even if its a bit expensive to travel but at least you`ll find in some hardware store near the border...after that, it is your thing what you do with it...

Also 3% peroxide is sold at any pharmacy legally...allthough 100-150ml is sold for 2-3 euro...but for starting AP you dont need much.

Worth a try...

Stay safe,

Uhh...i have just remembered that i have bought HCl (20%) from Hungary for 1 euro per liter from Praktiker store in Zalaegerszeg while i was on holiday last year, also bought some drain cleaner sulfuric.....had no problem when clearing customs...i bought like 5l from each...you can also find electrolite in auto parts selling shops.

You could try even if its a bit expensive to travel but at least you`ll find in some hardware store near the border...after that, it is your thing what you do with it...

Also 3% peroxide is sold at any pharmacy legally...allthough 100-150ml is sold for 2-3 euro...but for starting AP you dont need much.

Worth a try...

Stay safe,

Hey Pete,
I can get Peroxide and Hcl but the battery acid is illegal for non commercial use. U have to got to the mechanic to change the battery acid. I dont want to go abroud and take it back because its illegal here :/

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