identify this switch?

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Well-known member
Nov 2, 2008
Hey you all,
I've seen many references to switches from the '80s having gold or platinum attached.
When I came across these boards, I thought perhaps someone might be able to identify if indeed these were they.
Also, here's an HP RISC processor. The board it's attached to has gold tracings. Is there a tried and true method of treating these types of boards?


  • HPRisc9620.JPG
    168.6 KB
Also, if anyone could offer the proper way to search for the datasheets on given items, I seem to be striking out on any info pertaining to the physical makeup of an item.
Thanks very much
they seem to be a little harder to get on older stuff, they used to be free but now people are charging for them, you will see logos on parts these are company that made them,you will need to recognize their logo or get a chart showing logo and what company it belongs to. try there web site, usually the number on the chip and typing in datasheet , or specifications will bring up results, another source are web site that have lists chip doc or chipsearch, some of these are also wanting a fee to join(kinda like tv they now want money to send you a signal)and NTE is a good source or old data books, I have a barn full of old data books maybe 200 old databooksI got when a company here went out of buisiness they built circuits for military, but can take me days to find one chip in them, googling is faster, (about a half a day to move junk out of the way to even get to the books) it is fustrating when you are trying to repair a piece of equiptment, without schematics and need many datasheets, you usually can find most of them, sometimes you will run in to dead ends.

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