in over my head

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Active member
Oct 15, 2012
i got a freind that will have a good amount to invest seen what i was doing here on a hobbyest level and askes me what it would take to get a business started doin this im not sure if i should post here or in the com section as much as id like to do this for a living im far from piloting a company into someone doing this full time i could talk to? find out some details?
What kind if business?
Gold recovery? Gold refining?
Who's. Gold? Would you be collecting e-waste?
Or just purchasing pcb's with pm's
Would you send your stuff to a refiner

I can go on forever but if your talking about
Refining a few clients gold talk to Harold
If you want an ewaste business. Cool
Many here can help
But when you are in the business and you
refine then you will be forcred to pay for
Licensing and permits on a huge scale.
That is if your investors want to be legal.
my 2 cents. Nice foils by the way in your other post
uhhh, the whole forum is full of details. there are many members doing this for a living. as with any business, there is competition for what you are asking for. to be truthful with you without any uncertainty, if you are looking for a stamped out pattern for starting a recycling business or refining business, your not going to find one. do you have the capital to hire a one on one consultant to come out and put your business on the fast track to an easy living? i hope you are looking for a few tips to point you in the right direction because thats all you are likely to find in a short period of time and thats a little iffy.
A constant supply of material is my biggest obstacle some times slamed and other times very hard to find. Then the taxes and licences/premits. Waste disposal is another issue to think over. Checking your local laws and ordnance's before you do any thing is a must.
im thinking doing ewaste there seems to be room there im not sure somewhere i seen a video where it shows tons and tons of ewaste goin to africa and there they are only getting copper and steal out by burning them down i have worked in auto recycling and concrete and asphalt recycling before. checking with local laws on monday what im doing now is considered hobbiest, ive read the epa thing (there needs to be a guide for that epa for dummies) a lil confuseing
At the risk of sounding like some kind of intellectual snob, what is this thing about not caring about punctuation?

Were you never taught? Are those keys not present on your keyboard?

Is your time too valuable to place proper punctuation, but our time attempting to decode what you (and it's not just you, it's many) have written is in such a surplus? You expect people to take the time to decode, interpret, then furnish you with their real world experience because, well, your time is just too darn valuable and ours is so plentiful?

It's smelly inconsiderate, if you want my opinion, which you probably don't.
You will find that trait to be entirely problematical when using chemicals, particularly dangerous ones, and procedures that require detailed understanding of what is supposed to happen first, second, third, and fourth. There is no substitute for going over the procedures over and over. It's time consuming and tedious but this is the reality.

We are very careful on this forum because rushing into most of the procedures discussed can cost an eye or your lungs or a multi-thousand dollar trip to the emergency room...the very cheapest thing it can cost you is a few grams of gold. Enthusiasm is a great thing but it can be a serious problem in this realm.
Yeah. What grance said!
Although, I am getting better in both proper
procedure, and punctuation.
I will also try harder.

Not that it is an excuse but I had thought
The original poster had mentioned typing from a
phone, same here.

My phone does things like replace words that I
never typed, capitalize's the first letter of each line
, consistently types the letter next to it, so instead
of backspace I get mmm and so on.
Lets just say its much more difficult than a PC
thanks Steyr223 rob
now that you mention it, steyr223 seems to have a 60-character limit to each line he types, then it auto-enters to the next line
Depending on formality is how I normaly gauge how correct I need to write. Plus I'm not good with puncuation or spelling but I value your opion and will try to do better, not saying i will but ill try.

I have about 12 months and 10k budget, checking with local laws and federal, and how some larger stuff is done but most of that looks like a million dollar opreration and my budget will not be that big, not at first anyway.
60. Letters is about the width of my screen, then I hit
Wow ,but once posted it changes

Try millions with an s
That is considering that most businesses don't get
off the ground for at least 3 years .
Do not start a business, save your money, and use it wisely, learn first, learn the trade, Have fun and be honest in your dealings, then you may find it eventually turns into a successful business, this way the business builds itself using profits gained, and will grow as you grow, and this business may not be the same as your thinking now, who knows it could be a business refining for jewelers, or just buying and selling scrap or a multiple of other businesses related to precious metals.

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