Increasing the concentration of 30% Sulfuric Acid

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In the beginning, you could have just Googled, "how a car battery works," or "how battery acid works," or "what is battery acid?"

So far, you have only three things to deal with in understanding the concepts which people have been trying to help you with: 1. Car battery, 2. Sulfuric acid, and 3. Distilled water.

You seemed to have misconceptions about all three!

Whatever the purpose for obtaining concentrated sulfuric is that you have in mind, I hope you can understand why it could appear to be evident that you are probably a serious injury just waiting to happen.

If you continue to hold, what seems to be, a contrary attitude toward those trying to help you, and to appear to be either lazily shortsighted in doing some of your own research, or have a lack of ability to fully understand what research you do; then my guess is, you will find that people will hesitate to feed you any information at all, with the thought that it may turn out to be disastrous for you and those around you.

I hope I am mistaken about this.
eeTHr said:
I hope I am mistaken about this.
Trust me---you're not mistaken. If there's anything I won't tolerate its an individual that has no clue, asking for advice, then ignoring what he is told. Such individuals are generally not looking for advice, but support for less than wise decisions they have made, and are prone to defending their stupidity by insisting they are right instead of capitalizing on the often hard earned knowledge they have been handed by others. People of that ilk will receive nothing from me in the future, and if they persist in being the morons they appear to be, I'll see to it personally that their stay here is short. Very short, indeed!

I just went through this (privately, via PM's) with a reader (who will remain unmentioned) this weekend. One peep from him that isn't acceptable and he's gone from the forum. None of us need tolerate morons that think they have answers when they don't have a clue and prefer to kill the messenger. He's lucky it was by PM. He'd have been banned immediately had he posted any of his asinine comments publicly. I refuse to allow anyone to disrupt the forum as that would have.

Harold_V said:
Wrong! It's the right way to top off a battery that has lost electrolyte to evaporation or electrolysys---but not when the sulfuric acid has been removed. Batteries must have a given specific gravity in order to function as they are intended. If the electrolyte in your battery isn't correct, it won't be long until you understand that perfectly well. If you live where it freezes, you're going to get baptism by fire. Batteries that are low on charge or deficient in acid tend to freeze. Once that happens, it's toast.


In the discharged state both electrodes turn into lead(II) sulfate (PbSO4) and the electrolyte loses its dissolved sulfuric acid and becomes primarily water. It is relatively simple to determine the state of charge by merely measuring the specific gravity (S.G.) of the electrolyte, the S.G. falling as the battery discharges.

I think using distilled water will shorten the life of the battery. It also breaks a chemistry safety rule "Always Add Acid to water not water to acid"

eeTHr said:

In the beginning, you could have just Googled, "how a car battery works," or "how battery acid works," or "what is battery acid?"

So far, you have only three things to deal with in understanding the concepts which people have been trying to help you with: 1. Car battery, 2. Sulfuric acid, and 3. Distilled water.

You seemed to have misconceptions about all three!

Whatever the purpose for obtaining concentrated sulfuric is that you have in mind, I hope you can understand why it could appear to be evident that you are probably a serious injury just waiting to happen.

If you continue to hold, what seems to be, a contrary attitude toward those trying to help you, and to appear to be either lazily shortsighted in doing some of your own research, or have a lack of ability to fully understand what research you do; then my guess is, you will find that people will hesitate to feed you any information at all, with the thought that it may turn out to be disastrous for you and those around you.

I hope I am mistaken about this.

I think your the one who don't fully understand it.If your sulfuric acid is 30% what do you think is the 70% of it?
One last time.

Read the whole thing but pay close attention to this paragraph.

*Sulfation of Batteries starts when specific gravity falls below 1.225 or voltage measures less than 12.4 for a 12v battery, or 6.2 for a 6 volt battery. Sulfation hardens on the battery plates reducing and eventually destroying the ability of the battery to generate Volts and Amps.

And this.

Hydrometer readings should not vary more than .05 differences between cells.

•Low electrolyte level - battery plates exposed to air will immediately sulfate.

The link to read the whole thing.
qst42know said:
One last time.

Read the whole thing but pay close attention to this paragraph.

*Sulfation of Batteries starts when specific gravity falls below 1.225 or voltage measures less than 12.4 for a 12v battery, or 6.2 for a 6 volt battery. Sulfation hardens on the battery plates reducing and eventually destroying the ability of the battery to generate Volts and Amps.

•Low electrolyte level - battery plates exposed to air will immediately sulfate.

I'm not sure but I think that only happens if charging because they even repair broken battery. I saw a lot of open battery when I bought graphite electrode.
I think they are collecting rain water, I wonder if it's sulfuric?

It won't happen anyway because the alligator clip is melting. It's a lot easier by heating but when it reaches below 50ml out of 100ml it looks like it's stuck there. I'm only using a heating device with fix heat that is used for coffee. Do 98% fumes?
A coffee burner will not get hot enough to fully concentrate battery acid (35% H2SO4) to concentrated 98% sulfuric acid.

Check the Data section for the boiling point of sulfuric acid at various concentrations, the temperature is about 3-5 times what a coffee warmer will get too.

Maybe the wind strong make it evaporate after leaving overnight.

It leaves a water line so it appears it's not moving but it all evaporated leaving white crystals. What was that white crystal?
Using Induction cooker do I need to put oil on the pan or it's ok to put the beaker directly on dry pan? :?:
sulfuric can be nasty hot and concentrated, a catch basin can help from loosing acid should you break a vessel, a sand bath can help to keep thermal shock down to minimum, also how fast you heat or cool, always give glass time to expand or contract with slow change of temperature.
w0lvez said:
By charging the battery electrolyte is being produced. If the battery is discharged the concentration goes down. If I'm not mistaken by removing the weak acid in the battery adding sulfuric acid brings the power back without charging. :roll: :roll:

I'll try to make pure sulfuric acid by overcharging it. Without the cap I don't think explosion is possible. For safety reasons I will do it outside and 500m away from it :twisted: :twisted: :evil:
Car Battery generates sulfuric acid. Myth Confirmed

I'm sorry but.
Are some people really this smart. :shock: :shock: :shock:
Just because someone has trouble understanding something has nothing to do with his intelligence, maybe we are just not explaining it to him in the way he can understand, he may need some help to understanding the chemistry of what is happening in terms where he can grasp it, these concepts that we understand may be foreign to him.

W0lvez, may be very intelligent in his own environment, and we (if were in that environment) may be the ones asking Him for help, and looking like fools because we do not understand what he does.

Lets treat each other with respect and understanding, trying to look at the problem standing in his shoes, many here have more education or more experience in one field or another than I have, sometimes I have a hard time understanding what they are saying (I do not speak their language (chemistry or whatever), it is not that I am less intelligent that I may not understand, but may be that I have not the experience in life that they have had, but if these smart people come to me to learn what I know and what I understand and I tried to teach them these same smart people would be just lost in the woods.

Also if someone cannot grasp something that is dangerous to him we should discourage its use, if we cannot help him to understand, not make fun of him.
I do apologize.
I just wish that people knew their limits and would not play with things that can hurt/kill them until they had a better knowledge of what they are doing.

Tom C.

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