Interesting Ebay auction

Gold Refining Forum

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patnor1011 said:
Is that your auction?
No Pat that is not him.
Golddiggerdude,we already have another thread for ebay auctions like this.
MysticColby said:
I don't think this falls under "The Best of Ebay". This is more like "The Good Deals of Ebay"

You won't know if it is a good deal until you see what the reserve is.

That price will not stay there longe ;; :cry: He will get alot more for them . :roll:

he has another action for CPUS and not one is turned where you can tell what type cpu it is ( i'm gussing p-4 ) :twisted: .

and he will get a better price as the dayes go by. :|
patnor1011 said:
golddiggingdude said:
Vintage Aircraft boards for $15+? You would think airplanes have more PM %...

Is that your auction? No shame to admit that you are selling them. I cant bid as I am not in US. :(

No. I am not selling anything on ebay.

And if I was selling something, wouldn't it be easier and cheaper to avoid all the ebay stuff and sell directly here? lol.

I'm just curious about the airline electronics.

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